Find Homeless Shelters
Homeless shelters offer safe, temporary housing for individuals and families. They provide meals, hygiene facilities, and supportive programs to help rebuild lives. To locate a shelter near you, select your state and county below.
- AL Alabama 67
- AK Alaska 20
- AZ Arizona 66
- AR Arkansas 85
- CA California 371
- CO Colorado 70
- CT Connecticut 70
- DE Delaware 15
- DC District of Columbia 24
- FL Florida 204
- GA Georgia 99
- HI Hawaii 5
- ID Idaho 26
- IL Illinois 118
- IN Indiana 105
- IA Iowa 40
- KS Kansas 29
- KY Kentucky 61
- ME Maine 25
- MD Maryland 118
- MA Massachusetts 141
- MI Michigan 163
- MN Minnesota 46
- MT Montana 14
- NE Nebraska 16
- NV Nevada 25
- NH New Hampshire 24
- NJ New Jersey 95
- NM New Mexico 35
- NY New York 140
- NC North Carolina 85
- ND North Dakota 11
- OH Ohio 131
- OK Oklahoma 40
- OR Oregon 54
- PA Pennsylvania 193
- RI Rhode Island 31
- SC South Carolina 53
- SD South Dakota 17
- TN Tennessee 55
- TX Texas 251
- UT Utah 17
- VT Vermont 15
- VA Virginia 73
- WA Washington 101
- WV West Virginia 24
- WI Wisconsin 62
- WY Wyoming 17