Ketchikan Homeless Shelter
- 628 Park Ave Ketchikan, AK - 99901
- 907-225-4194
- [email protected]
About This Shelter
Day Shelter only
Our mission is to offer the homeless and hungry access to a safe non-judgmental day shelter and referrals to local resources. A self-serve breakfast is available every day.
Open seven days a week: Mon-Sat 8:00am - 4:00pm and Sunday 8:00am -2:30pm. Closed Mon-Fri 12:00-1:00pm for people to go to the Salvation Army for lunch.
Brown Bag lunches on Saturday.
Services offered:
Warm comfortable rest area
Computer & printer for job and housing search
Clean clothing
Tutoring for GED, resume writing
AA group
Coffee and refreshments
Referrals to other agencies
Our mission is to offer the homeless and hungry access to a safe non-judgmental day shelter and referrals to local resources. A self-serve breakfast is available every day.
Open seven days a week: Mon-Sat 8:00am - 4:00pm and Sunday 8:00am -2:30pm. Closed Mon-Fri 12:00-1:00pm for people to go to the Salvation Army for lunch.
Brown Bag lunches on Saturday.
Services offered:
Warm comfortable rest area
Computer & printer for job and housing search
Clean clothing
Tutoring for GED, resume writing
AA group
Coffee and refreshments
Referrals to other agencies