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About This Shelter

We provide temporary shelter for Transition Aged Youth ("TAY") clients in a supportive housing environment for up to 36 nights. While housed, each TAY must pursue their long-term goals, which includes securing permanent housing while building their capacity to navigate lifes challenges and opportunities. Most TAY take advantage of our comprehensive services to seek employment, education and other long term life goals. The Enhanced Emergency Shelter Program offers a warm, clean and safe place to sleep, clean facilities, and three meals every day. We provide case management and offer additional supportive services such as an apprenticeship program.

For any questions about our Enhanced Emergency TAY Shelter or to refer a youth to our center, please email: [email protected] or call (213)738-6194.

Eligibility Criteria:

    Age 18-25 years
    SED/SPMI (i.e. previously received, receiving, or in need of mental health services)
    Homeless or at imminent risk of homelessness
    No income to pay for housing
    Not a danger to self, others, or gravely disabled

If you feel you meet the above criteria and are in need of emergency shelter services, please contacl the us at (323)758-5433

TAY Shelter

Who is eligible to stay at the Good Seed shelters?

A: Young men who are 18-25 years old (i.e. Transition Aged Youth or "TAY"), homeless, previously, currently, or in need of support with their mental health. We also accept a small number of TAY with families including children please see our Family Crisis Housing FAQs below. Soon, we hope to provide housing for women as well, so check back with us or connect with us via Twitter and Facebook to hear our latest updates.

How long can I stay at the shelter?

A: Our shelter is temporary, emergency housing and the goal is to place you in permanent housing as soon as possible. Because of that, our clients may stay no longer than 36 days, without an extension due to special circumstances.

 How many meals do you provide?

A: You will receive three healthy meals every day, along with snacks throughout the day..

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