HPRP Lancaster - Homeless Assistance
- 44933 N. Fern Ave. Lancaster, CA - 93534
- (661) 942-0051
- [email protected]
- Official Site
About This Shelter
Coordinated Entry System
A county wide system that directs and connects individuals and families
who are facing housing crisis to the appropiate service for their unique need.
A county wide system that directs and connects individuals and families
who are facing housing crisis to the appropiate service for their unique need.
The Homeless Prevention Rapid re-housing Program provides services to homeless individuals and persons who are at risk of homelessness. 211 L A County does not provide eligibility criteria for individual entitlement cities. Inquirers must call in order to be screened and to apply for homeless prevention services. Services are restricted to residents living within the specified city.
Before telling a caller about HPRP, prescreen during your assessment to see if the caller is homeless or at risk of becoming homeless and for the callers geographic location using the locator tool at http://housing.lacounty.gov/HPRP/CheckAddress.html.
If the caller is within the geographic area of one of the entitlement cities, cease screening and refer to that city's program.
If the caller is within the geographic area of L A County - HPRP (unincorporated L A County and contracting cities) then proceed to the Los Angeles County Housing Resource Center screening tool at: http://housing.lacounty.gov/HPRP/Launch.html and continue screening.
Hours: Monday through Thursday, 8:00am to 6:00pm; Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm.
Call to apply. Proof of residence and proof of income may be necessary at application. Occasional holds on funding may require a waiting list for application.
The Coordinated Entry System (CES) offers a regionalized, countywide approach to address homelessness by using a common system, common tools, and common platform to identify, assess and prioritize needs and provide services.
The mission of the Coordinated Entry System (CES) is to create a seamless, cooperative system of service delivery for homeless and at-risk families, individuals and transitional age youth (TAY) throughout Los Angeles County; to reduce the overall impact of homelessness to all; and to reduce the number of those experiencing homelessness. The main objectives of CES are:
To reduce the length of time a family, individual or TAY is homeless and permanently house them as quickly as possible, using Rapid Re-housing and linkages to supportive services.
To build upon existing community-based infrastructures to serve those experiencing homeless ness, leverage resources, and provide more targeted and cost-effective interventions
CES utilizes the Countys information and referral line, 211 LA County to reach those in need of homeless services and to help stabilize their housing situation. The following evidence-based models are used within the system with regard to service delivery in Los Angeles County:
Housing First
Harm Reduction
Rapid Re-housing
Progressive Case Management
Critical Time Intervention
Valley Oasis Shelter
The shelter is a 60 day emergency shelter open 24-hours a day. With a 65 bed capacity, the shelter provides services to men, women and children of all ages who are victims of domestic violence. The shelter provides shelter to victims from around the world due to being one of the first shelters in the country to provide services to men. The shelter provides the following supportive services:
24-hour hotline
Peer counseling
Maintaining a business center
Emergency food and clothing
Legal assistance with temporary restraining orders/permanent restraining orders
Response to law enforcement calls
Response to hospital emergency room calls
Counseling for children
Social service advocacy
Court advocacy/accompaniment
Household establishment
Additional services includes: individual and group therapy, domestic violence education/prevention groups, safety planning, emergency safety moves, assistance in applying for financial assistance, assistance in applying for housing opportunities, resources and referrals. The shelter assist an average of 330 people per year.
All of the services are provided by domestic violence advocates on shelter grounds.
Steppin into the Light is a transitional housing program that offers housing to higher functioning individuals/families and is located in an apartment complex rather than being located on shelter grounds. The program houses approximately 8 families. While in this program clients receive supportive services such as:
Money management
Peer counseling
Individual and group therapy
Parenting classes
Assistance with employment
Resources and referrals
The Coordinated Entry System (CES) offers a regionalized, countywide approach to address homelessness by using a common system, common tools, and common platform to identify, assess and prioritize needs and provide services.
The mission of the Coordinated Entry System (CES) is to create a seamless, cooperative system of service delivery for homeless and at-risk families, individuals and transitional age youth (TAY) throughout Los Angeles County; to reduce the overall impact of homelessness to all; and to reduce the number of those experiencing homelessness. The main objectives of CES are:
To reduce the length of time a family, individual or TAY is homeless and permanently house them as quickly as possible, using Rapid Re-housing and linkages to supportive services.
To build upon existing community-based infrastructures to serve those experiencing homeless ness, leverage resources, and provide more targeted and cost-effective interventions
CES utilizes the Countys information and referral line, 211 LA County to reach those in need of homeless services and to help stabilize their housing situation. The following evidence-based models are used within the system with regard to service delivery in Los Angeles County:
Housing First
Harm Reduction
Rapid Re-housing
Progressive Case Management
Critical Time Intervention
Valley Oasis Shelter
The shelter is a 60 day emergency shelter open 24-hours a day. With a 65 bed capacity, the shelter provides services to men, women and children of all ages who are victims of domestic violence. The shelter provides shelter to victims from around the world due to being one of the first shelters in the country to provide services to men. The shelter provides the following supportive services:
24-hour hotline
Peer counseling
Maintaining a business center
Emergency food and clothing
Legal assistance with temporary restraining orders/permanent restraining orders
Response to law enforcement calls
Response to hospital emergency room calls
Counseling for children
Social service advocacy
Court advocacy/accompaniment
Household establishment
Additional services includes: individual and group therapy, domestic violence education/prevention groups, safety planning, emergency safety moves, assistance in applying for financial assistance, assistance in applying for housing opportunities, resources and referrals. The shelter assist an average of 330 people per year.
All of the services are provided by domestic violence advocates on shelter grounds.
Steppin into the Light is a transitional housing program that offers housing to higher functioning individuals/families and is located in an apartment complex rather than being located on shelter grounds. The program houses approximately 8 families. While in this program clients receive supportive services such as:
Money management
Peer counseling
Individual and group therapy
Parenting classes
Assistance with employment
Resources and referrals