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About This Shelter

The Homeless Prevention Rapid re-housing Program provides services to homeless individuals and persons who are at risk of homelessness. 211 L A County does not provide eligibility criteria for individual entitlement cities. Inquirers must call in order to be screened and to apply for homeless prevention services. Services are restricted to residents living within the specified city.

Before telling a caller about HPRP, prescreen during your assessment to see if the caller is homeless or at risk of becoming homeless and for the callers geographic location using the locator tool at

If the caller is within the geographic area of one of the entitlement cities, cease screening and refer to that cities program.

If the caller is within the geographic area of L A County - HPRP (unincorporated L A County and contracting cities) then proceed to the Los Angeles County Housing Resource Center screening tool at: and continue screening.

Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m; every other Friday.

Services Provided at this location:
Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Programs
HPRP Programs
TANF Emergency Contingency Fund Homeless Assistance

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