Zahn Memorial Center - Salvation Army

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About This Shelter

The Salvation Army's Zahn Memorial Center is the only emergency shelter for families in downtown Los Angeles, and provides individuals in crisis with an immediate, safe place to stay and the resources to begin getting their lives back on track. The Zahn program provides 90 days of emergency housing to 18 chronically homeless families with special needs, and often works with families referred to The Salvation Army from the Department of Mental Health, the Los Angeles County Public Health Office of AIDS Programs and Policy, and the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority Street Outreach Team.

Located in the downtown South Park neighborhood, Zahn combines the benefits of access to vital services with a clean and safe neighborhood location suitable for families. The program is focused on locating long term housing for each family, including transitional and permanent housing options. Working with an on-site case manager, each family receives personalized referrals and support to accelerate their transition to healthy independence. Local community groups including School on Wheels, Center for Student Missions, the Ikar Jewish Community, and other volunteer groups partner with The Salvation Army to provide residents with a variety of community experiences. Zahn is a launch pad toward healthy independence, and a critical link between the experience of homelessness and restoring a family's relationship with the community.

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