Wallace House
- 126 North Main Street Cloverdale, CA - 95425
- (707) 894-2727
- [email protected]
- Official Site
About This Shelter
Looking for shelter, transitional and housing services?
Call Sonoma County Coordinated Entry System
(866) 542-5480 (M-F, 9am-5pm)
Coordinated Entry is a "no wrong door" approach to homelessness for accessing emergency shelter and housing resources. These include referrals to Rapid Rehousing, Transitional Housing, Emergency Shelter and Permanent Supportive Housing throughout the County.
Small Emergency Shelter and Transitional housing facility. Also provide help with economic assistance thru Season of Sharing fund (security deposits and rental assistance, utility payments, etc).
Clean & sober.
Wallace House Emergency Shelter is our primary gateway service. This is where the magic begins. Clients may stay for up to six months at Wallace House. During this time they receive wrap-around transformative case management services. This critical time allows our clients to obtain the traction necessary to change their lives. Once they graduate from our six month program, they are offered an opportunity in our Transitional Housing program, or into permanent housing in the community.
The ultimate goal for our clients permanent income and housing.
Programs & Services
Outreach: Through our partnership with St. Vincent de Paul at St. Peters church, we distribute food; sleeping bags; tents; transportation vouchers and outreach services. Case management and referrals are also provided to our clients. We work very closely with Reach for Home and Catholic Charities HOST (Homeless Outreach Services Team) to coordinate services and interventions for the chronically homeless who are sleeping in places not meant for human habitation, such as in tents and vehicles.
Recovery services: Serene clean & sober!! A clean and sober living environment is critical to the success of our newly sober clients who are struggling to rebuild their lives and the lives of their children.
Transitional Housing enables our clients to save money while working or going to school. This time is critical for clients who are disabled and attempting to gain traction in their recovery, improve their lives and become self-sufficient. Each client agrees to strive toward pre-established goals during the two years they are given to complete the program. Once again, the goal here is increased income, emotional stability and a move into permanent housing.
Supportive Housing Program at Cherry Creek Village: This program is designed to reach chronically homeless clients with mental and/or physical disabilities. Our aim is to help our clients acquire necessary life skills, social traction and the emotional support needed to maintain permanent housing. A common feeling shared by our clients is a sense of being included. Our goal is to create and maintain a healthy family environment, where they feel safe and secure. Most of our clients have experienced trauma as the result of domestic violence and abuse. This feeling of security is extremely important for their continued stability.
Homeless prevention services for the working poor. We provide financial assistance to the working poor to help prevent more people from becoming homeless. The homelessness prevention and referrals to Rapid Re-Housing Programs, provide financial assistance and services to prevent individuals and families from becoming homeless; and help those who are experiencing homelessness to be quickly re-housed and stabilized. The funds under this program are intended to target individuals and families who would be homeless but for this assistance. The funds will provide for a variety of assistance, including: short-term rental assistance, housing relocation and stabilization services, including referrals to organizations providing mediation and credit counseling. The majority of the funds help with one-time payment of past due rents, security or utility deposits and utility payments.
Call Sonoma County Coordinated Entry System
(866) 542-5480 (M-F, 9am-5pm)
Coordinated Entry is a "no wrong door" approach to homelessness for accessing emergency shelter and housing resources. These include referrals to Rapid Rehousing, Transitional Housing, Emergency Shelter and Permanent Supportive Housing throughout the County.
Small Emergency Shelter and Transitional housing facility. Also provide help with economic assistance thru Season of Sharing fund (security deposits and rental assistance, utility payments, etc).
Clean & sober.
Wallace House Emergency Shelter is our primary gateway service. This is where the magic begins. Clients may stay for up to six months at Wallace House. During this time they receive wrap-around transformative case management services. This critical time allows our clients to obtain the traction necessary to change their lives. Once they graduate from our six month program, they are offered an opportunity in our Transitional Housing program, or into permanent housing in the community.
The ultimate goal for our clients permanent income and housing.
Programs & Services
Outreach: Through our partnership with St. Vincent de Paul at St. Peters church, we distribute food; sleeping bags; tents; transportation vouchers and outreach services. Case management and referrals are also provided to our clients. We work very closely with Reach for Home and Catholic Charities HOST (Homeless Outreach Services Team) to coordinate services and interventions for the chronically homeless who are sleeping in places not meant for human habitation, such as in tents and vehicles.
Recovery services: Serene clean & sober!! A clean and sober living environment is critical to the success of our newly sober clients who are struggling to rebuild their lives and the lives of their children.
Transitional Housing enables our clients to save money while working or going to school. This time is critical for clients who are disabled and attempting to gain traction in their recovery, improve their lives and become self-sufficient. Each client agrees to strive toward pre-established goals during the two years they are given to complete the program. Once again, the goal here is increased income, emotional stability and a move into permanent housing.
Supportive Housing Program at Cherry Creek Village: This program is designed to reach chronically homeless clients with mental and/or physical disabilities. Our aim is to help our clients acquire necessary life skills, social traction and the emotional support needed to maintain permanent housing. A common feeling shared by our clients is a sense of being included. Our goal is to create and maintain a healthy family environment, where they feel safe and secure. Most of our clients have experienced trauma as the result of domestic violence and abuse. This feeling of security is extremely important for their continued stability.
Homeless prevention services for the working poor. We provide financial assistance to the working poor to help prevent more people from becoming homeless. The homelessness prevention and referrals to Rapid Re-Housing Programs, provide financial assistance and services to prevent individuals and families from becoming homeless; and help those who are experiencing homelessness to be quickly re-housed and stabilized. The funds under this program are intended to target individuals and families who would be homeless but for this assistance. The funds will provide for a variety of assistance, including: short-term rental assistance, housing relocation and stabilization services, including referrals to organizations providing mediation and credit counseling. The majority of the funds help with one-time payment of past due rents, security or utility deposits and utility payments.