Family Tree Inc in Wheat Ridge, Colorado

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About This Shelter

Family Tree works alongside people affected by child abuse, domestic violence and homelessness throughout their journey to safety and economic independence, providing emergency residential services, case management and advocacy, therapeutic services, outreach support, housing search and placement, education and employment support, among many other services.

Family Tree Housing and Family Stabilization Services works with individuals and families experiencing homelessness, or those at-risk of homelessness. We offer emergency shelter, an information help line, homeless prevention services, case management, education and employment services, and various other supportive services in order to help people achieve economic independence.

Family Tree Housing and Family Stabilization Services include:

Family Tree House of Hope: dedicated to providing safe shelter and supportive services for women with children experiencing homelessness. These families, overwhelmed with the daily struggle of where to stay the night and find their next meal, find a safe place to stay while they begin to get back on their feet. This is the only residential facility of its kind in Arapahoe County, however we serve the entire Metro Denver region.

3301 South Grant Street Englewood, CO 80113
Phone: (303) 762-9525

Family Tree Homelessness Program: provides housing navigation and placement services, comprehensive case management, education and employment services, along with connections to various resources to assist those experiencing homelessness or those at-risk of homelessness.

3805 Marshall Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
Phone: (303) 467-2604

Family Tree Child & Youth Services include:

Community Family Resource Team - Youth Therapeutic Supportive Services
SafeCare Program - Family Supportive Services
Kinship Programs - Family Stabilization Services
Colorado Child Care Assistance Program - Douglas County Only

Family Tree Domestic Violence Services include:

Roots of Courage - Domestic Violence Emergency Residential Services
Parenting Time Program
Domestic Violence Outreach Program
Legal Advocacy Program

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