Clara White Mission

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About This Shelter

The goal of the Clara White Missions transitional housing program is to move homeless participants to permanent housing and independent living within 24 months. Priority is given to veterans; maintaining a residency rate of 75% veterans. Residents are required to:
- Be employed and/or currently enrolled in school.
- Participate in case-management and life-skills classes.
- Complete a mental-health assessment and engage in mental-health counseling as indicated.
- Complete a health assessment with the nurse.
- Maintain sobriety and participate in substance-abuse education classes and support groups, as required.

Feeding Program
The Clara White Missions "soup kitchen" service provides hot meals to the general homeless population seven days a week. Breakfast is served five (5) days a week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday) from 8:30 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. The program serves 400-500 persons daily. Volunteers assist with serving our daily meals.

The Clara White Mission, Inc. (CWM) is a private, non-profit organization with a 501 (c) (3) tax exempt status, founded in 1904, and incorporated in December 1936. The purpose of the agency, as expressed in its mission statement, is to prevent and reduce homeless through advocacy, housing, job training and employment, and through working in partnership with the community. The Mission has a 104-year history of providing services to the homeless, and since 2003, has operated as a one-stop service center designed to support workforce development as it assists homeless members of the community in the transition to independence and contributory citizenship. We target unemployed homeless and low-income prioritizing veterans and ex-offenders, and provides up to twenty-four months of housing with supportive services, while building marketable job skills tailored to identified needs of community employers through on-site vocational training (culinary arts and janitorial training) and job placement services.Correlated homeless assistance program provided by Clara White include a drop-in day center for street homeless individuals, also established in 2003, and the Mission's century-old daily feeding service for the homeless and economically low-income. The drop-in center and feeding components currently provide outreach services to more than 10,000 unduplicated homeless each year, and act as recruitment mechanisms for the Mission's housing and employment training programs. More than 80% of persons enrolled in housing and/or training services at the Clara White Mission initially learned of the services through their participation in feeding or drop-in activities.The drop-in day center provides daytime relief and limited case management services to street-homeless individuals at an average rate of 50 unduplicated persons per day. The 100-year old feeding component (soup kitchen) serves from 400 - 500 homeless and low-income individuals daily.

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