The Daniel Pitino Shelter Family Shelter

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About This Shelter

Women's and Married couples and family shelter only. Can stay up to 2 years based on need.

Office hours: Mondays through Fridays 8am - 4pm.
The Shelter is staffed 24 hours a day.

Emergency and Transitional Housing
The shelter's purpose is to assist the homeless in the transition to permanent housing.

The three goals of the transitional program are:
1. To help participants obtain and remain in permanent housing.
2. To help participants increase skills and / or income.
3. To help participants achieve greater self determination.

Emergency and Transitional housing is available for up to two years. Residents are provided with a variety of LifeSkills classes, under the direction of Case Management.


Eligibility Requirements: An individual or family who is living on the street or in an emergency shelter, or who would be living on the street or an emergency shelter without the assistance of the Emergency and / or Transitional Programs. Only single women and families are served. Single men are referred to a local mens shelter. Homelessness is the only criterion for services. A person is considered homeless only when he/she resides in a place not meant for human habitation; such as cars, parks, abandoned buildings; is being evicted within a week from a private dwelling and lacks the resources to obtain alternate housing; or is being discharged from an institution such as a mental health facility or jail and lacks the resources to obtain housing.

Resident case files are maintained as confidential and shall not be shared with any person, unless there is a contractual or statuary requirement to do so. All resident files shall be maintained and stored in a safe, secure area within the shelter. Resident files are not to leave the premise. DPS staff will not confirm nor deny to a caller or visitor that a resident is in DPS. (Residents shall be informed during intake of the procedures regarding phone use, visitors, etc.). The identity of all residents of DPS will be guarded with utmost care. Residents are not to be discussed with anyone other than staff or an agency representative with a release of information.

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