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About This Shelter

Homeless Services & Fresh Start Village

PCM began operating a shelter in 1990, offering on-site care by our Homeless Shelter Director and our part-time shelter supervisor. Today, PCM operates the newly opened Fresh Start Village for homeless women and children.

Through a comprehensive program, PCMs goal is to help individuals break the cycle of homelessness and obtain permanent, affordable housing. In order to do this, we work with residents to identify special needs which may be barriers to obtaining and maintaining stable housing. Case management helps to break the journey to self-sufficiency into small, manageable steps. Services provided include housing counseling, food and transportation assistance, mental health services as well as parenting, money management and life skills education.
Emergency Assistance

Emergency relief funds in an amount of up to $100 per year per family or individual are available to McCracken County area residents in need in the following areas:

    Utility assistance
    Prescription assistance (for non-narcotic medications)
    Rent assistance

In order to receive assistance, the following information must be provided:

    Picture identification
    Social Security cards for all family members
    Proof of income in the form of award letter or check stubs
    For rental assistance: an eviction notice
    For utility assistance: a disconnect notice
    For prescription assistance: a statement from the area pharmacy

Food Pantry Program

PCM provides a 2-3 day supply of emergency groceries to families in crisis once a month up to five times in any given one-year period.  To qualify for assistance, households must provide:

    Picture identification of applying member
    Social Security cards for all members of the household
    Proof of income (i.e., award letter or 3 consecutive check stubs)

Contact Karen Burton at 270.442.6795 for more information.
Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CFSP Senior Program)

This federal nutrition program provides  government commodity food items to 400 low-income, senior residents of McCracken County on a monthly basis. For more information, contact Kathy Rowland at 270.442.6795.
Emergency Meals-On-Wheels

Temporary hot, cooked meals are provided to elderly convalescing individuals referred by area hospitals. Meals are prepared and delivered by the Paducah/McCracken Senior Center and funded by PCM. Contact  Guelda Wooldridge at 270.443.8579 for more information.

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