Angel House Family Shelter
- 460 West Main Street Hyannis , MA - 02601
- (508) 775-8045
- [email protected]
- Official Site
About This Shelter
The Angel House shelter in Hyannis works with families recovering from alcohol or other drug abuse. Angel House provides a structured and secure environment where mothers and children can be reunited and recover from the dual traumas of substance abuse and homelessness.
Angel House is a HAC-operated family shelter in Hyannis for homeless women, who are recovering from drug and alcohol addiction, and their children. Angel House typically shelters 13 mothers and 20-26 children for approximately 12 months.
Angel House is a HAC-operated family shelter in Hyannis for homeless women, who are recovering from drug and alcohol addiction, and their children. Angel House typically shelters 13 mothers and 20-26 children for approximately 12 months.