Samaritan Inn
- 7 Free Street Westfield, MA - 01805
- (413) 568-3122
About This Shelter
Capacity: 32 men, 5 women.
Length of Stay: 90 days.
Services: Spanish; advocacy; counseling; 2 meals & snack; nurse; some clothing; referral to other social service agencies and resources.
Language: SpanishRestrictions: Sobriety.
Referral: Self (intake process over through a phone call) or through community social service agencies.
Length of Stay: 90 days.
Services: Spanish; advocacy; counseling; 2 meals & snack; nurse; some clothing; referral to other social service agencies and resources.
Language: SpanishRestrictions: Sobriety.
Referral: Self (intake process over through a phone call) or through community social service agencies.