Harford Family House, Inc.

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About This Shelter

Harford Family House serves families experiencing homelessness with children. This could be a mom and children, a dad and children or a married couple with children. It could also be another adult, such as a grandmother or aunt, with legal custody of children under the age of 18. We also serve unaccompanied young adults ages 18 to 24 who are experiencing homelessness.
Harford Family House currently receives all service referrals from the Harford Community Action Agency who screens prospective families for eligibility. harfordcaa.org

Emergency Shelter ProgramThis temporary six month program moves a family from homelessness into safe, basic and decent housing. A fully furnished one or two bedroom apartment greets the family as they begin their journey towards self-sufficiency. Once stabilized, the family can begin to work on their individual goals which may include: identify and apply for housing; credit repair; increasing marketable job skills; finishing a GED program; finding employment; and addressing medical and mental health needs, positioning the family for independence and self-sufficiency.

Permanent Supportive Housing
Families who have one family member with a diagnosed disability are eligible to receive permanent supportive housing. The goal is the same: to transition these families to permanent stable housing and a better life. This may take longer than a year and look differently because of the increased barriers families with disabilities face. Families in this program work on individual goals which may include: obtaining disability benefits; applying for subsidized housing programs; participating in supported work programs; and stabilizing their medical and/or mental health needs.

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