Penquis Journey House
- 59 Free Street Dexter, ME - 04930
- (207) 924-0151
- [email protected]
About This Shelter
A transitional housing program available to pregnant and parenting young women ages 16-21 who are experiencing homelessness, at risk of becoming homeless or have an unsafe living situation. We provide safe transitional housing, case management services, life skills training, nutrition education, assistance to access health care, childcare, educational opportunities and job training. We also offer Parents Are Teachers, Too home visits for parenting support and education.
Penquis offers many services related to housing including home loans, subsidized housing, weatherization, energy efficiency improvements, and lead testing among others.
Some services are based on income eligibility, while others are offered on a sliding scale fee and fee for service. Click the options below to learn more about our housing services.
Affordable Housing/Rental Options
Buying/Refinancing a Home
Heating & Utilities for Your Home
Home Improvements, Repairs & Inspections
Penquis Housing Development Services - Penquis Development Inc. and Penquis Housing Inc.
Penquis offers many services related to housing including home loans, subsidized housing, weatherization, energy efficiency improvements, and lead testing among others.
Some services are based on income eligibility, while others are offered on a sliding scale fee and fee for service. Click the options below to learn more about our housing services.
Affordable Housing/Rental Options
Buying/Refinancing a Home
Heating & Utilities for Your Home
Home Improvements, Repairs & Inspections
Penquis Housing Development Services - Penquis Development Inc. and Penquis Housing Inc.