New Dawn Shelter of Gladwin County

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  • Monday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Thursday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Saturday closed
  • Sunday closed

About This Shelter

Emergency homeless shelter. Assistance programs are also provided.

Shelter Hours for Residents
In order to ensure that the shelter runs smoothly, there are expectations regarding the times in which certain activities are to occur.
Wake-up time is 6:30 am on Monday through Friday, 8:00 am on Saturday and 7:00 am on Sunday.
At 6:00 p.m. all guests are expected to be at the shelter. During the Summer these hours will be extended until 8:00 pm.
Persons working after curfew or attending meetings after hours will be allowed to be out late with an approved Late Entry Pass. This pass must be requested before 4:00 pm directly to the Shelter Director.
Guests without a Late Entry Pass and who have not returned to the shelter by 6:00 p.m. may lose their bed. At the very least they will receive a written warning.
Spending the night away from the shelter is excusable only with prior approval of the Shelter Director. Guests will be drug tested when they return from an overnight stay.
Length of Stay
NDS offers temporary services. Program participation consists of a 90 day maximum stay and is contingent upon space and program constraints. An extension of time is available under certain circumstances. The circumstances will vary with each individual and should be discussed with the Shelter Director.
Meal Hours
- Breakfast 6:30 am - 8:00 am
- Lunch 12:00 pm  -1:00 pm
- Dinner 4:30 pm- 6:30 pm
- If Guests are in the building during a scheduled meal time, they must be present in the dining room. Guests may not remain in their room while other Guests go to a meal.
- Guests must be fully dressed in modest apparel. No pajamas or nightwear are allowed.
- Shoes or other footwear shall be worn.
- Guests shall be on time for meals.
- Food and drink are to be consumed in the dining room only. Water only is allowed in the bedrooms.

Case Management Hours
Case Management staff is available to assist Guests with their case management plan, and to develop their assets and resources at the following times: Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm or by appointment. During the first week of a new Guests stay, a Case Management Intake form (5 Pages) will be completed with the Guest. An appointment will then be set with the Case Management Committee to discuss and define goals for the Guest while staying at NDS. The Guests continued stay at the shelter will depend on the development of a plan and continual implementation of that plan.
The Guest will develop the plan with staff assistance and approval, and sign the form indicating their cooperation in the plan. On a weekly basis (by Monday) they will fill out a Weekly Progress Report and turn it in to the Case Manager with discussion about progress, barriers, needs, and prayer requests. Once a month the Case Management Committee will review all case plans and will hold a meeting with those who are struggling or not progressing with their plan. At that review meeting it will be determined if the Guest is working sufficiently on their plan, what might help them to move forward through a barrier or if not they need to leave the shelter for non-compliance with their Case Plan.
If a Guest or Case Manager wishes to change the Case Plan it can be done only with Case Management Committee approval.
Telephone Use

 We are committed to helping provide: shelter, food, access to clothing and other material goods, as well as access to specialized services and individualized support, in a manner that enables individuals and families that seek our assistance to experience our guiding principles.
Diapers, wipes, and baby formula are provided when Guests with children enter the shelter and until income is obtained. At that time Guests must buy their own items. Laundry soap, softener and comfort supplies (shampoo, soap, toothpaste, etc.) are provided when Guests enter the shelter and until they obtain income at that time Guests must buy their own.
While you are here, we want to assist you to secure permanent housing and help you to eliminate the conditions that have led to your homelessness. Please let staff know of any concerns or needs which you may have while here so that we can best assist you.

NDS provides emergency temporary shelter for persons, who for one reason or another, have no place to stay. Our shelter consists of 4 rooms with 10 beds, which can house a total of 10 persons. Guests staying at our shelter are encouraged to take advantage of the staffs assistance and to utilize any other community resources that might be helpful. NDS can provide and connect Guests to a variety of services. We can assist and advocate for individuals who need help filling out applications for housing and income maintenance forms. Referral help is available for persons needing other community services. The staff at NDS attempts to help Guests meet their needs and will assist persons staying at the Shelter so that their stay will be a period of growth and a step toward a better tomorrow and greater interdependence. Although the staff of NDS assists Guests in obtaining permanent alternative housing, we cannot assure that this will occur. Staff is on duty to provide a safe environment for all Guests. All staff will be responsible for overseeing and implementing the Policies and Procedures contained in this handbook.
Guests staying at NDS may be referred to programs in other communities that could better meet their needs.

Laundry Hours
NO laundry is to be left in the washer or dryer while you are out of the building and is to be removed by 10:00 pm even if you are not finished. Last load can be put in at 9:00 pm No Exception. Ironing is to be completed in the laundry room only. Irons are not to be taken into the sleeping rooms.
Daily hours are every day, except Friday, are 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. On Friday, the washers are kept available for former guests.
Use care when operating equipment. For example, proper water level for load size, correct settings for washer and dryer, proper amount of soap, etc.
If you need assistance with use of the washer and/or dryer, please ask staff for assistance.
Clean equipment and filter after each use.
Laundry facilities are to be used for Guests clothing, towels, wash clothes and bed linens.
House Chores
Guests are expected to assist with necessary chores around the shelter.
Please review the chore list daily and volunteer to assist in completing assigned chores.
The Shelter Director or designee will be assigning and re-assigning chores as needed.
Chores are to be completed by 10:00 am or 8:00 pm as appropriate for your assignment.
You are responsible for completing the chore(s) assigned to you.
Chores may include:
Cleaning Meal Preparation
Bathrooms Cooking
Laundry room Serving
Common area-Lobby, Hallways, Office Dishwashing
Kitchen, Dining Area Clean-up Outside of Building
It is the responsibility of each Guest to keep his/her own sleeping area, dining area and common areas clean at all times.
Report anything broken, missing or damaged to the staff.
Do not put grease or garbage down the drain.
Do not dispose of sanitary napkins or other bulky items down the toilet.
Do not remove window screens.
Turn off lights, radios, televisions, and other appliances when not in use.
Showers are to be cleaned after each use.
Floors are to be swept and mopped daily or more often if necessary.
Laundry equipment should be wiped off after each use. Dryer filters should be cleaned after each use.
Please remember that parking is always at your own risk. Only shelter Guests may park in designated areas on the property.
Guests may not park a non-operational vehicle on NDS property without permission of the shelter director. Leaving a non-working car sitting on the premises will result in the car being towed away at the Guests expense.

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