Open Doors Kalamazoo
- 1141 S Rose St #3 Kalamazoo, MI - 49001
- 269-343-6064
- [email protected]
- Official Site
About This Shelter
Men only. Must be 17 years old to 35 years old. Call, 24 hours a day. (If answering machine picks up, follow instructions).
The Open Door is a residential program for men who have nowhere to live.
Men in the program concentrate on becoming financially stable and self-supporting. Men who do not have jobs search full time for employment. Those who do have jobs save one-third of every paycheck for their future housing costs. Men who are struggling with substance abuse or addiction make and keep a personal recovery plan involving 12-step groups. Men who have not completed high school get connected with a program to earn a GED.
At the Open Door, men are assigned a bed and dresser. Food and personal hygiene supplies are provided free of charge. Bus tokens are provided free of charge to men who are looking for work.
Every man is expected to do one daily chore assigned by the staff to keep the house clean and in good order. Curfew, seven days a week, is 9:30 pm. Men must be out of the house working or looking for work every weekday from 9 am to 3 pm.
If you are homeless and interested in doing the hard work to become self-supporting, we would like to support you in your efforts.
The Open Door is a residential program for men who have nowhere to live.
Men in the program concentrate on becoming financially stable and self-supporting. Men who do not have jobs search full time for employment. Those who do have jobs save one-third of every paycheck for their future housing costs. Men who are struggling with substance abuse or addiction make and keep a personal recovery plan involving 12-step groups. Men who have not completed high school get connected with a program to earn a GED.
At the Open Door, men are assigned a bed and dresser. Food and personal hygiene supplies are provided free of charge. Bus tokens are provided free of charge to men who are looking for work.
Every man is expected to do one daily chore assigned by the staff to keep the house clean and in good order. Curfew, seven days a week, is 9:30 pm. Men must be out of the house working or looking for work every weekday from 9 am to 3 pm.
If you are homeless and interested in doing the hard work to become self-supporting, we would like to support you in your efforts.