Degage Ministries Open Door

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  • Monday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Thursday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Saturday closed
  • Sunday closed

About This Shelter

Who is eligible to stay in the Open Door?
The Open Door provides services for female residents of Kent County who are eighteen years of age and older and in need of shelter. The Open Door has a capacity of 40 women.
Men and children are not permitted.

Are there requirements to staying in the shelter?
Women intending to stay at the Open Door longer than 3 days must sign an agreement with a staff member which requires them to set goals and report on progress in a weekly meeting.
Drug testing is completed on intake and randomly going forward.
Women who are intoxicated are not allowed to stay in the Open Door.
All women are required to connect with the Housing Assistance Program through The Salvation Army, which is the gatekeeper for all housing services in this community.

Where is the Open Door?
Dgag is located at 144 Division Ave S., Grand Rapids, MI 49503-4216, on the corner of Cherry St. and Division Ave. The Open Door is on the 3rd floor of our facility.

What are the hours of the Open Door?
The shelter opens at 7:00 p.m. Women are required to be in no later than 8 p.m.
Women are woken at 6:00 a.m. and leave the Open Door by 7:45 am.
During the day, women may visit Dgag's Dining Room during its open hours or utilize Dgag's Services on the 2nd floor as needed.
Staff is available to meet with the women during day time hours. Weekly meetings can be schedule during the hours of 8:00 -11:30 a.m. and 1:00-3:00 p.m., Monday-Friday.

How much does it cost?
Staying at the Open Door is free. Dgag Dollars and cash can be used to purchase necessary items like undergarments and supplies, pay for laundry services, and cover locker rental expenses in the Open Door.
Are reservations needed?
Yes, reservations are needed.
Women can make a reservation to stay in the Open Door Women's Center by coming to the 2nd floor Life Enrichment Center at Degage during open hours (8:00-11:30am and 1:00-3:00pm Monday Friday). If you have already reversed a spot for the evening, you are able to reserve a spot for the following night when signing in for the evening. You must sign up daily for a spot. Reservations for future dates are not taken.
If you call Degage inquiring about a stay in the Open Door Women's Center, you will need to come in person to sign up. If there are spots available, please know that our system works on a first come basis. We cannot guarantee a spot if you are inquiring over the phone. If we are full, please contact Salvation Army HAP at 616-454-5840 for other possible options for shelter.

Where do I sleep?
Mats are arranged in the common area of the Open Door.

What can I bring?
Women are encouraged to bring only the essentials and limit their belongings to one bag. Linens are provided. Storage space is limited, as lockers are reserved for women who have signed an agreement and are willing to meet with staff for a weekly meeting. Food and drink are not allowed.

How long can I stay in the Open Door?
The length of stay varies depending on each woman's needs and is determined by staff. Women must be willing to meet with staff during day time hours and make progress towards achieving goals in order to maintain their spot in the program.

Degage Ministries has created numerous programs to meet their unique needs. These programs include:
Overnight shelter for women in crisis called the Open Door
Low-cost and free meals
Hygiene facilities such as showers and laundry
Lockers to safely store belongings
tate Identification Program
Supportive Services to meet housing, employment and other goals
Pro-bono legal services
Support groups and Bible studies
Consumer choice food pantry

The Open Door provides a safe haven during the overnight hours to adult women in crisis. Christ's love is reflected in a welcoming environment where women are encouraged to make positive lifestyle changes. The program has the following objectives:
To provide a safe and welcoming environment for women in need such as those fleeing domestic violence, experiencing trauma, sleeping outside or struggling with mental illness.
Women visiting the Drop-In Center will have emergency needs addressed such as shelter and hygiene. Showers, laundry facilities and lockers are available.
The problems and/or issues of women utilizing the service will be identified and addressed immediately on-site or through referrals to supporting agencies. Issues may include mental illness, substance abuse, permanent and temporary housing needs, trauma, etc.
Women will personally begin to address barriers to meeting their basic needs and achieving a self-sufficient and healthy lifestyle.
Women will be served in a welcoming and supportive environment.

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