Family Youth Interventions Transitional Living Program

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About This Shelter

FYI/TLP is a 24 hour residential program designed to empower young adults to take control of their lives in positive and purposeful ways. If you are unfamiliar with our program, please take a moment to read about the services we offer.

Eligibility: Youth ages 16 through 20 who are homeless, potentially homeless or who have run away. FYI/TLP may house up to six residents and serves males and females. Services are available for a continuous period not to exceed 18 months.
Referral Process: Those interested in applying for FYI/TLP need to fill out an application first. Then call (586) 477-1855 to set up an appointment for an interview. After the interview, a decision will be made as to whether or not the applicant is eligible for the program. At times when all beds are full, eligible applicants are put on a waiting list and are contacted when there is a space available. Applicants are accepted based on need and eligibility.
FYI/TLP provides help with:
Building positive relationships
Developing necessary skills for self-sufficiency
Obtaining employment and housing
Completing educational programs
Health related or other needs
Program Components include:
Individual Counseling
Family Counseling
Skill Building Groups
Case management for educational, health, employment and metal health needs
Aftercare (continued counseling and case management after a resident leaves)

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