St. Andrew’s Family Shelter
- 14383 Forest Blvd. N. Hugo, MN - 55038
- (651) 762-9124
- [email protected]
- Official Site
About This Shelter
Emergency shelter is provided to families in Washington County and suburban Ramsey County residents. We provide off-site shelter with direct and ongoing case management services until stable housing is achieved. Call our help line to schedule an intake appointment.
Rental assistance is provided to prevent an episode of homelessness for qualified families living in zip codes 55001, 55003, 55016, 55038, 55042, 55043, 55047, 55055, 55071, 55082, 55083, 55090, 55109, 55110, 55115, 55117, 55119, 55125, 55127, 55128, 55129, 55130. Call to verify qualifications and to schedule an appointment.
Food Kits. If you have visited your food shelf in the past 30 days and need additional help putting meals on the table, you are welcome to come into the Community Resource Center anytime during business hours. No appointment necessary.
Basic needs items are available to people who are struggling to purchase cleaning supplies, diapers, shampoo, razors, deodorant, and other personal hygiene items. No appointment necessary.