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ABCCM Homeless Services

ABCCM's Homeless Services program is made up of two transitional housing facilities: the Veterans Restoration Quarters for men and the Steadfast House for women and children. Both of these facilities provide housing, food, case management, education and connection to both mental and physical health providers to their residents. All residents are supplied three meals per day and have access to a nurse, computer lab, and laundry room privileges. They also receive transportation services to the VA Medical Center and downtown Asheville. The goal of these programs is to move the resident from a state of homelessness to a position of self-sustainability.

In 2014, these two ministries came together under one operations plan. The purpose was to standardize programs, policies and procedures, where applicable, to provide efficiency, with effectiveness and create more volunteer opportunities across the ministries.
Veterans Restoration Quarters

The Veterans Restoration Quarters (VRQ) is a 246 bed facility that serves 166 veterans in transitional housing, fifty veterans in permanent supportive housing, eighteen veterans/civilians in nightly emergency shelter and twelve civilians in a six month housing program. The point-in-time count taken on 1/29/2014 showed that there were only six male veterans and one female that were unsheltered in Buncombe County. The impact of the VRQ in our Community has essentially eradicated homelessness for male veterans since it opened its doors in 2008.
Steadfast House

Steadfast House is a forty three bed facility that houses twenty six single women and seven moms with children. Ten of these beds are designated for female veterans. The need for more beds continues to increase. In September of 2013 the waiting list to get in to Steadfast House was 144. The current waiting list exceeds 300. This need is driving the goal of implementing Transformation Village.

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