Hospitality House of Northwest North Carolina

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About This Shelter

Coordinated Entry Process
If you are currently homeless, please call (828) 264- 1237 and request to speak with the Emergency Shelter Coordinator. Hospitality House operates the community's Coordinated Entry & Assessment system, and our agency strives to ensure that each individual and family experiencing homelessness receives an assessment for services. Individuals and households demonstrating the highest level of need will be prioritized for housing services.

Please call us anytime (828) 264-1237 - 24 HOURS A DAY

Winter Seasonal Shelter: November 1st - April 30th
Six months of the year we operate a Winter Seasonal Shelter to keep people safe from the weather. Each night we convert our Conference Room and Dining Room into sleeping quarters. Men, women and children seeking shelter must arrive prior to 5:30 pm each day to complete an intake. We provide a safe, warm environment for anyone experiencing homelessness, living in a tent, car or uninhabitable structure. One locker per person is issued upon check-in. Each evening at 9:00 pm cots are distributed and they are put away the next morning beginning at 6:00 a.m.

Emergency Shelter Program:
Prior to or on the day of becoming homeless CALL US at (828) 264-1237 to check availability. If we have space available, we ask you to arrive for an intake prior to 4:30 pm. Our funding dictates our ability to only serve individuals and families from Ashe, Avery, Wilkes, Watauga, Alleghany, Mitchell and Yancey counties in North Carolina.

In order to stay in the Emergency Shelter Program will need to provide verification of homelessness. This may include an eviction notice or a statement from a family member, friend, or community member.
Hospitality House continues to serve as the only 24-hour homeless shelter facility, outside of domestic violence facilities, for seven rural North Carolina mountain counties (Watauga, Ashe, Wilkes, Alleghany, Avery, Mitchell, and Yancey). Hospitality House provides Emergency Shelter Services, Transitional & Family Housing, Permanent Supportive Housing, Scattered Site Housing and Rapid Rehousing.

Emergency Shelter
Our Emergency Shelter is comprised of two dorms for men and two dorms for women that house a total of 24 residents with a potential for eight overflow beds. The dedicated service coordinator counsels each client, evaluating their homeless situation, guiding them through the steps to begin rebuilding their lives while providing the structure of accountability they need to be successful. To stay in the Emergency Shelter one must provide verification of homelessness.

For those in the community who are unable or choose not to stay at Hospitality House, we offer three daily meals, showers and laundry facilities to anyone who needs them.

Winter Seasonal Shelter
Six months of the year (November 1st - April 30th) we operate a Winter Seasonal Shelter to keep people safe from the weather. Each night we convert our Conference Room and Dining Room into sleeping quarters. Men, women, and children seeking shelter must arrive prior to 5:30 pm each day to complete an intake. We provide a safe, warm environment for anyone experiencing homelessness, living in a tent, car, or uninhabitable structure. One locker per person is issued upon check-in. Each evening at 9:00 pm cots are distributed and they are put away the next morning beginning at 6:00 a.m.

Transitional and Family Housing
This program houses space for 29 residents in either family quarters or single room efficiencies. The dedicated service coordinator guides residents along the path to employment, sustainable housing and goal-setting through motivation, accountability and the building of life skills. Last year 82% of our residents exited this program with income and housing.

We pride ourselves on being a family-first transitional living facility by keeping the family unit intact regardless of economic circumstances. The need for family housing is on the rise with up to 20% of our residents under age 12.

Because of the increased need for families and children we have implemented an afterschool program, visual arts program, reading program, Kid's birthday parties and movie night.

Permanent Supportive Housing
Self-reliance is a life goal, benchmark and measure of success for anyone transitioning out of homelessness. The Permanent Supportive Housing Program includes nine residences at the Hospitality House and the eight unit Rock Haven Independent Living Facility. This program provides the structure and sense of community while the residents contribute to the rent and sustainability of the facilities. The majority of residents identify as permanently disabled and having the ability to live independently in and of itself is a victory.

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