Siena Francis House
- 1702 Nicholas Street Omaha, NE - 68102
- (402) 341-1821
- [email protected]
- Official Site
About This Shelter
Siena Francis House operates Nebraskas largest emergency shelter and is located at 17th & Nicholas Streets in downtown Omaha, Nebraska.
Siena Francis House provides emergency overnight shelter for individuals experiencing homelessness. Siena Francis House also provides food to the hungry and homeless through our Meal Program, clothing, and case management outreach services through our Rehousing and Reintegration Services program
Permanent Supportive HousingSienna Francis House also provides two permanent supportive housing residences.
Each building contains 24 efficiency apartment units (48 total units). Each apartment houses an individual who was chronically homeless and has a disabling condition. The apartment facilities constructed along 18th Street, directly west of our existing facilities complement our women's and mens shelters, as well as the transitional housing we currently provide. Individuals who live in these efficiency apartment units also have the ability to utilize the services provided in our Services Center.
The Service Center is located immediately north of the apartments. This facility contains a reception area, offices for our employees and for employees of our partnering agencies, classrooms, meeting rooms and nursing stations. Our case managers work closely with, and provide services to, the individuals who stay in the apartments, as well as to all of the homeless who come to us in need of services. The Service Center is a one stop service center that helps people experiencing homelessness to obtain employment, off campus housing, healthcare, education, social services, veterans-specific services and other government assistance, and mental health services.
For tenancy, Siena/Francis House prioritizes individuals who have a disability and are chronically homeless. Referrals for units are received through the Metro Area Continuum of Care for the Homeless (MACCH), HUD CoC NE 501, Coordinated Entry System.
Location: Siena Francis House campus is located two blocks north of Cuming on 17th Street.
Siena Francis House provides emergency overnight shelter for individuals experiencing homelessness. Siena Francis House also provides food to the hungry and homeless through our Meal Program, clothing, and case management outreach services through our Rehousing and Reintegration Services program
Permanent Supportive HousingSienna Francis House also provides two permanent supportive housing residences.
Each building contains 24 efficiency apartment units (48 total units). Each apartment houses an individual who was chronically homeless and has a disabling condition. The apartment facilities constructed along 18th Street, directly west of our existing facilities complement our women's and mens shelters, as well as the transitional housing we currently provide. Individuals who live in these efficiency apartment units also have the ability to utilize the services provided in our Services Center.
The Service Center is located immediately north of the apartments. This facility contains a reception area, offices for our employees and for employees of our partnering agencies, classrooms, meeting rooms and nursing stations. Our case managers work closely with, and provide services to, the individuals who stay in the apartments, as well as to all of the homeless who come to us in need of services. The Service Center is a one stop service center that helps people experiencing homelessness to obtain employment, off campus housing, healthcare, education, social services, veterans-specific services and other government assistance, and mental health services.
For tenancy, Siena/Francis House prioritizes individuals who have a disability and are chronically homeless. Referrals for units are received through the Metro Area Continuum of Care for the Homeless (MACCH), HUD CoC NE 501, Coordinated Entry System.
Location: Siena Francis House campus is located two blocks north of Cuming on 17th Street.