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  • Monday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Thursday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Saturday closed
  • Sunday closed

About This Shelter

Overnight Shelter Program
Our Overnight Guest Program offers short-term housing for men, women and families in need. New check-ins are encouraged to arrive between 3:00 pm and 5:00 pm. We have separate dorm facilities for men and women as well as hotel-style units for families.

All of your personal belongings will need to fit into the two 18 gallon totes  provided, so please bring only your clothing and basic toiletry items.

In this program, your primary focus will be finding and keeping full-time employment.  You will have 3 weeks to accomplish this goal and will be expected to submit at least five new job applications daily.

Extensions beyond the initial 3 weeks will only be considered for those who have found full-time employment.

    All guests must sign in before 5:00 pm each evening and remain on the property until 6:00 am the next morning. Exceptions may be granted for employment or medical issues only if called in prior to 5:00 pm. Guests cannot leave the grounds after 5:00 pm except by the permission of the Staff person on duty.
    All guests are required to attend our Chapel service every evening at 5:30 pm. If your regular work hours conflict with Chapel, you will be required to attend Devotions at 8:00 am.
    All guests are required to help with the daily work and chores around the Mission.
    Guests are to be in their own sleeping rooms every night from 10:00 pm-6:00 am. Guests should not enter others sleeping rooms. All lights are to be out, and it is expected that all guests will remain quiet during these hours.
    The doors to the Guests Dorms are locked at 7:50 am Sun-Fri (10:00 am Sat.) and unlocked at 4:00 pm. Guests must be out of the dorm buildings during these hours. The Drop-In-Center (DIC) is open weekdays from 8:30 am until 4:00 pm.
    Breakfast is served at 7:00 am, Lunch at 11:45 am (Sunday 1:00 pm) and Supper at 6:00 pm everyday. No Food or Drink is allowed in the Dorm Rooms.
    All guests are required to make their bed neatly every morning and clean up their living area, storing their belongings in the two totes provided. Belongings found in inappropriate places will be discarded. All guests must shower daily. Clean clothing and toiletries are available.
    Bare feet are allowed in the bathrooms only. Footwear must be worn everywhere else.
    There is to be NO tobacco/nicotine use in any Mission building at any time. All tobacco/nicotine use is only permitted in the designated smoking area behind the Faith House (men) and behind the Hope House (ladies). Cigarettes (or any other tobacco/nicotine products) are not to be traded, given, nor sold to any other guest.
    Cell phones are not allowed to be used in the Dining Hall and are to remain on silent everywhere else on campus.
    All medications (prescription and over the counter) and weapons MUST be turned in to a Staff member to be locked up. Meds will be available after all meals and before bed.
    Guests are to avoid conversations and other contact with persons of the opposite sex or with children on Mission property and in our community. Public displays of affection or any sexual (heterosexual or homosexual) conversation or contact are prohibited on our grounds and in our community.
    Guests may not use the office phones without permission from a Staff member. There are phones available for local calls in the Men's Dorm area, the Hope House and the Drop-In-Center.
    All belongings may be searched by Staff at anytime to ensure compliance with our guidelines.
    Guests must first visit with the Staff person on duty prior to checking out of the Mission. Any belongings left behind after three days will be disposed of, or the Mission may find an alternate use for them.
    Guests being asked to leave must take all of their belongings immediately. Anything left behind will be disposed of at the end of the day.
    Personal mail can be forwarded for 30 days upon checking out. (A forwarding address must be provided) No mail will be held.
    The following will be cause for being barred from the Mission. (Note: This is not an exclusive list.)

    Possession (or use of) alcohol, drugs, pornography, or weapons
    Inappropriate conversations or content on cell phones
    Abusive or violent behavior or language toward Staff, guests, or visitors

Samaritan Program
The Samaritan Program is a great option for those who are unable to maintain full-time employment due to a number of possible reasons including:

    A verifiable physical disability or condition
    Beyond retirement age
    Mental health issues
    Legal problems
    Documentation issues
    Short-Term stay

On this half-day program, you will be expected to set goals and, on a weekly basis, demonstrate reasonable progress toward independent living. While on this program, you will be required to begin working with a case-worker or community support person from another local agency.

Participants in the Samaritan Program are required to attend the 8:00 am Devotions as well as an 8:30 am Samaritan training class. At 9:30 am, you will be assigned an on-campus chore before you head out to accomplish the goals you have set for the day.

Your time is limited, so you will need to act quickly in regard to securing housing and further long term assistance.

New Life Program
This is a one year, in-house program for those seeking a new life in Christ, free from the  bondage of sin and addiction. This academic and life-changing program requires a full-time commitment to transformation.

During your year on the program, you will spend about 10 hours a week in the classroom studying many books of the Bible, various topics from theology, and a number of important life skills. Each of these classes may also require textbook reading,  workbook assignments and memory work. To be successful, you must be prepared to work hard.

In addition to studying, participants in the New Life Program serve roughly 30 hours  each week in various areas of ministry on the Rescue Mission's campus.

Applications for this program are only accepted in person and must be submitted to  either the Director of Men's or Women's Ministry. Upon acceptance into the program, you will begin the 2 week probationary Jump Start Phase. Successful completion of the Jump Start Phase is your ticket to begin the full, one-year opportunity for a new life

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