The Shade Tree For Women

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About This Shelter

Emergency and Transitional program for women, youth, children, and their pets impacted by domestic violence or being homeless.
Shade Tree is open to any woman, with or without children, and male and female unaccompanied youth who lack a safe, adequate place to live.
We provided victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, elder abuse, human trafficking, as well as homeless youth and families, the tools and resources they need to assist with recovery and healing.
We help the women pick up the pieces and guide them on their path to self-sufficiency.
Day Shelter ProgramThe Day Shelter program operates seven (7) days a week from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. 365 days a year. Day Shelter is open to all women and children residing at The Shelter and any homeless woman in the community. Clients can have a safe place to rest during the day and access to a hot lunch.
Emergency Shelter ProgramThe Emergency Shelter program is the only 24-hour accessible program in Clark County designed specifically to meet the needs of the homeless, with an emphasis toward women, both with and without children. The shelter is open to all homeless women who need a safe place to stay, day or night (30-90 days stay). It offers assistance with all basic life needs such as meals, clothing, beds, showers, hygiene supplies and referrals. After her first 30 days, a woman may be offered an extension to stay in the program or she is moved to our long-term Transitional Shelter program. Possessions of ID, minimum state residency or US citizenship are not requirements for accessing services. 164 beds are available in this program, of which 84 are for families and 80 are for single women.
Transitional Shelter ProgramThe Transitional Shelter program allows single women and families additional time (up to 1 year) to access programs and to achieve goals. Each resident is assigned a case manager who assists her in establishing a case plan that will help her move toward self-sufficiency. Program goals are designed to aide residents in finding employment that pays a living wage, securing stable housing, saving money and accessing needed services. Each working resident in the Transitional Housing Program is required to save at least 30% of her income each month. 164 beds are also available in this program consisting of 84 beds for families and 80 beds for single women.
Survivors Service CenterThe Survivors Services Center provides critical assistance to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault/sexual abuse, street crime, and victims of elder abuse. The Center assists victims with obtaining Temporary Protective Orders, applying for Victims Compensation, 9-1-1 telephones, accompanies victims to court, assists them through the legal process, and accessing services that may be needed due to situations of violence. With the help of a Victims Advocate, each client develops a "safety plan" to help reduce the risk of future violence. Group meetings are conducted weekly on-site by staff and volunteers to provide educational and emotional support.
Workforce Readiness ProgramThe Workforce Readiness program is designed to prepare women to enter or re-enter the job market at a self-sustaining wage. Fourteen (14) core classes are offered during the course of a one-week period covering all aspects of job searching skills including work values, skills identification, time management, goal setting, affirmations, barriers to employment success, work ethics discussion, and mock interviews. Residents also receive appropriate attire from our boutique as well as bus passes for job searching, interviews, employment and training. They each receive an individual employment plan, individual follow-up and job retention assistance once they are employed. Also, if needed, further educational deficiencies are met through referrals to community-based adult education programs.
Life SkillsThe Life Skills program offers over 58 on-site classes designed to enhance job development by addressing other deficiencies in life skills and increasing a womans opportunity for sustainable success. Classes offered covers topics such as Budgeting, Credit Counseling, Time Management, Healthy Relationships, Co-Dependency, Grief, Loss & Anxiety Reduction, Motivation, Assertive Skills, Housing I & II, Computer 101, EXCEL, Anger Management, ESL, Reading/Writing, Math, Health Class, Ask the Nurse, Ask the Lawyer and Yoga.
Mental Health Service CoordinationMental Health Service Coordination is provided by an experienced mental health staff member addressing mental health issues presented by our clients, making referrals to other community agencies as needed and serving as liaison to community based mental health programs. Residents who enter the shelter and are already under the care of a mental health professional are provided the necessary support and transportation to continue those services while living at the shelter.
Housing AssistanceHousing Assistance and advocacy begins during the initial intake process because of the importance of connecting families with affordable housing. A full-time Housing Specialist assists residents with completing applications for public/subsidized housing and helps eligible residents find quality affordable housing. Residents are also offered Housing I and Housing II classes, which are taught by the Housing Specialist through our Life Skills Program. These classes provide information and guidance that will help them secure and retain affordable and safe housing.
Childrens Activity Center (CAC)The CAC program is designed to address the special needs of children who are experiencing homelessness and abuse: lack of self-esteem, poor social skills, developmental and educational delays. The Center helps children deal with these issues in a safe and non-intimidating environment. As a life classroom where "children are given hope for a brighter future", the Center is a place where children feel safe and learn to trust. All lessons and activities are education centered and aligned with the three main focuses of the program: 1) to ensure that all children have an opportunity to have a childhood; 2) to promote education as the vehicle to breaking the cycle of homelessness/abuse; and 3) to nurture the relationship between mother and child. Activities are designed to allow the family to participate together, including on-going parenting classes. Children participating in the CAC program range in ages from 1 day up to age 18.
Stallman Touro Clinic at The Shade TreeThe on-site Stallman Touro Clinic provides basic health care services for shelter residents that include acute medical care, management of chronic illness, womens health, and the health of children. Being able to offer these services through the clinic help our residents get regular preventative health care, so they can stay healthy and be able to attain financial stability.
Noahs Animal HouseNoahs Animal House is a pet sanctuary for shelter residents that allow women to escape abusive situations without leaving behind their pet. In homes where there is violence, pets are often threatened or injured by the violent partner. It is not uncommon for an abuser to continue to control the relationship using the family pet. Noahs is the first full service facility of its kind located on the grounds of the womens shelter in the western region of the United States.
Courage for ChangeThe Courage for Change Program has been created in order to promote healthy change among individuals and families who have been impacted by any of the following: domestic violence, homelessness, all forms of abuse, and any other type of psychological trauma. Services may include one, or a combination of the following: Individual Therapy, Family Therapy, Comprehensive Mental Health Assessments, Psychosocial Rehabilitation (PSR), Basic Skills Training (BST) and Support Groups. We exist so that individuals and families can gain the strength and hope needed in order to move forward successfully in life!

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