YWCA Family Center
- 900 Harvey Court Columbus, OH - 43219
- (614) 253-3910
- [email protected]
About This Shelter
Offers transportation assistance, furnished apartments, food and case management services for maximum of 90 days. Assists with locating housing, making referrals to employment and educational services and linking clients to agencies that address barriers to homelessness. Families must be homeless; must have custody and possession of 1 or more minor children; must be referred through the YWCA/Interfaith Hospitality Network and must demonstrate a willingness to participate and work with a case manager. For immediate shelter, call the YWCA Family Center at 253-3910 24 hours Mon-Sun.
Men's Shelter Also..
Provides emergency shelter with 40 beds and supportive services for homeless men. Effective Wednesday, April 21, 2010 all single adults in need of shelter should go to Faith Mission's intake center at 315 East Long Street or call 1-888-4SHELTR (1-888-474-3587).
Men's Shelter Also..
Provides emergency shelter with 40 beds and supportive services for homeless men. Effective Wednesday, April 21, 2010 all single adults in need of shelter should go to Faith Mission's intake center at 315 East Long Street or call 1-888-4SHELTR (1-888-474-3587).