- 230 W. Market Street Akron, OH - 44303
- 330-376-0997
- [email protected]
- Official Site
About This Shelter
Business Hours
M-F 9:00am - 5:00pm
Shelter Hours
24 hours a day
Emergency Shelter Women and their Children Only
Emergency Shelter
What is the Purpose of ACCESS?
To provide emergency shelter services for women and children.
To link women and existing resources in the community.
To aid in the attainment of an independent future.
To assist in alleviating the situation that caused them to seek emergency shelter.
Women may be in need of emergency shelter for many reasons including eviction, unemployment,
transiency, utility disconnections and all types of crisis circumstances.
Who is Eligible for Shelter at ACESS?
ACCESS opens its doors to any woman who finds herself homeless, not physically battered, alcohol and drug free, reality oriented and 18 years of age or older. Children accompanied by their female guardian meeting this criteria are also welcome.
How Can Someone enter ACCESS?
Women may enter the shelter through referrals from other sources such as welfare or human service agencies, hospitals, law enforcement agencies, churches, or individuals--they may also enter the shelter directly through a phone intake.
What is the Cost for Residents?
There is no fee.
Where is ACCESS Emergency Shelter Located?
The emergency shelter is located at 230 W. Market St. Click here for directions to the ACCESS Emergency Shelter.
Step II Transitional Housing
What is the Purpose of Access Step II?
The Step II program provides transitional housing for single homeless women with the purpose of meeting the following goals:
Establishing residential housing stability.
Increasing income and work skill levels.
Creating greater self-determination.
Who is Eligible for Transitional Housing at Step II
Women who:
Are homeless.
Are 18 years of age or older.
Have no children or do not have custody of their children.
want to make improvements in their lives through educational, job, or other programs to prevent further homelessness.
What Service Does Step II Provide?
Transitional housing for homeless single women for up to 24 months.
On-site and community-based supportive services, including case management individual, vocational, group and substance abuse counseling, job placement, permanent housing placement and life training.
Continued supportive services following completion of the program for an additional six months.
How Does a Women Enter Step II?
The ACCESS Emergency Shelter serves as the referral source for Step II. Homeless women who are interested in Step II must first enter the Emergency Shelter. The program also occasionally accepts participants from other programs.
Where is Step II Located?
The Step II facility is located across from the Polsky Building and next to St. Bernard's Church at 245 S. High Street in downtown Akron, Ohio. Refer to the link below for a map to the facility.
M-F 9:00am - 5:00pm
Shelter Hours
24 hours a day
Emergency Shelter Women and their Children Only
Emergency Shelter
What is the Purpose of ACCESS?
To provide emergency shelter services for women and children.
To link women and existing resources in the community.
To aid in the attainment of an independent future.
To assist in alleviating the situation that caused them to seek emergency shelter.
Women may be in need of emergency shelter for many reasons including eviction, unemployment,
transiency, utility disconnections and all types of crisis circumstances.
Who is Eligible for Shelter at ACESS?
ACCESS opens its doors to any woman who finds herself homeless, not physically battered, alcohol and drug free, reality oriented and 18 years of age or older. Children accompanied by their female guardian meeting this criteria are also welcome.
How Can Someone enter ACCESS?
Women may enter the shelter through referrals from other sources such as welfare or human service agencies, hospitals, law enforcement agencies, churches, or individuals--they may also enter the shelter directly through a phone intake.
What is the Cost for Residents?
There is no fee.
Where is ACCESS Emergency Shelter Located?
The emergency shelter is located at 230 W. Market St. Click here for directions to the ACCESS Emergency Shelter.
Step II Transitional Housing
What is the Purpose of Access Step II?
The Step II program provides transitional housing for single homeless women with the purpose of meeting the following goals:
Establishing residential housing stability.
Increasing income and work skill levels.
Creating greater self-determination.
Who is Eligible for Transitional Housing at Step II
Women who:
Are homeless.
Are 18 years of age or older.
Have no children or do not have custody of their children.
want to make improvements in their lives through educational, job, or other programs to prevent further homelessness.
What Service Does Step II Provide?
Transitional housing for homeless single women for up to 24 months.
On-site and community-based supportive services, including case management individual, vocational, group and substance abuse counseling, job placement, permanent housing placement and life training.
Continued supportive services following completion of the program for an additional six months.
How Does a Women Enter Step II?
The ACCESS Emergency Shelter serves as the referral source for Step II. Homeless women who are interested in Step II must first enter the Emergency Shelter. The program also occasionally accepts participants from other programs.
Where is Step II Located?
The Step II facility is located across from the Polsky Building and next to St. Bernard's Church at 245 S. High Street in downtown Akron, Ohio. Refer to the link below for a map to the facility.