Warren Family Mission
- 155 Tod Ave NW Warren, OH - 44485
- (330) 394-5437
- [email protected]
- Official Site
About This Shelter
The mission has a women's 1 year program, women and children's program, and a shelter for men.
Hannahs House is a one-year Christian faith-based program helping women of all ages to overcome life-controlling problems, substance abuse and challenges in their lives. The residents of Hannahs House are taught and encouraged to grow emotionally and spiritually in order to turn their lives around and to experience hope, healing and freedom.
Hannahs House offers: Christian Foundational Classes, GED Readiness, Life Skills Classes, Coping Skills, Job Readiness, 12-Step Faith Based Program, Counseling, After Care Program, Agency Referral, WOW ministry of creative arts.
Men's Home
DISCIPLESHIP PROGRAM INCLUDES: (One Year Duration) Life Skills, Referral Help, GED Readiness, Money Management Training, Spiritual Guidance (inter-denominational), Job Search Assistance, Christ Centered Recovery, Client Advisory
Residential Program Clients of the rescue mission receive daily meals, laundry facilities, toiletries, clothing, and transportation to appointments such as medical clinics, to and from work and to rehabilitation outpatient appointments.
Listed below are some of the services that we offer. We also do referrals and work closely with many Teen Challenge locations around the country. Feel free to call us and see how we can help you.
Daily Community Meals
Monday Friday: Lunch 12:00-12:30
Monday Friday: Dinner 4:00-4:30
Saturday: Lunch & Dinner 12:00-12:30
Sunday Only: Breakfast 8:30-9:00
(Times are subject to change. Please check our Facebook Page for any announcements)
Host the Summer Lunch Program for children 18 and under Mon.-Fri. 12:00-12:30
Provide Food for 2 other Feeding Sites
Monthly Supplemental Food Bags Open: Tues-Thurs 9:30-12:00 & 1:00-3:00 Current Photo ID Required or
Proof of Residency
Breads & Sweets When Available
Clothing Room Open: Tues-Thurs 9:30-12:00 & 1:00-3:00 Current Photo ID Required or Proof of Residency
Household Items - Open: Tues-Thurs 9:30-12:00 & 1:00-3:00
Holiday Community Dinners (Easter; Thanksgiving; & Christmas)
School Backpack Distribution for low income families
Christmas Toy Distribution for low income families
Hannahs House is a one-year Christian faith-based program helping women of all ages to overcome life-controlling problems, substance abuse and challenges in their lives. The residents of Hannahs House are taught and encouraged to grow emotionally and spiritually in order to turn their lives around and to experience hope, healing and freedom.
Hannahs House offers: Christian Foundational Classes, GED Readiness, Life Skills Classes, Coping Skills, Job Readiness, 12-Step Faith Based Program, Counseling, After Care Program, Agency Referral, WOW ministry of creative arts.
Men's Home
DISCIPLESHIP PROGRAM INCLUDES: (One Year Duration) Life Skills, Referral Help, GED Readiness, Money Management Training, Spiritual Guidance (inter-denominational), Job Search Assistance, Christ Centered Recovery, Client Advisory
Residential Program Clients of the rescue mission receive daily meals, laundry facilities, toiletries, clothing, and transportation to appointments such as medical clinics, to and from work and to rehabilitation outpatient appointments.
Listed below are some of the services that we offer. We also do referrals and work closely with many Teen Challenge locations around the country. Feel free to call us and see how we can help you.
Daily Community Meals
Monday Friday: Lunch 12:00-12:30
Monday Friday: Dinner 4:00-4:30
Saturday: Lunch & Dinner 12:00-12:30
Sunday Only: Breakfast 8:30-9:00
(Times are subject to change. Please check our Facebook Page for any announcements)
Host the Summer Lunch Program for children 18 and under Mon.-Fri. 12:00-12:30
Provide Food for 2 other Feeding Sites
Monthly Supplemental Food Bags Open: Tues-Thurs 9:30-12:00 & 1:00-3:00 Current Photo ID Required or
Proof of Residency
Breads & Sweets When Available
Clothing Room Open: Tues-Thurs 9:30-12:00 & 1:00-3:00 Current Photo ID Required or Proof of Residency
Household Items - Open: Tues-Thurs 9:30-12:00 & 1:00-3:00
Holiday Community Dinners (Easter; Thanksgiving; & Christmas)
School Backpack Distribution for low income families
Christmas Toy Distribution for low income families