Bishop Enrique San Pedro Ozanam

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About This Shelter

Bishop Enrique San Pedro, OZANAM CENTER
After hours phone:
The Center is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week / 365 days a year.

The Center is a homeless shelter that serves individuals and families in the area in need emergency housing assistance. It is located on a six-acre site, which is the property of the Catholic Diocese of Brownsville, and has a maximum capacity of 200 people.
Full list of services provided
Short and Long rent assistance
Emergency Shelter Grant Program - Deposit Utility & Short Term Rent
The Shelter also serves as an emergency shelter during hurricane and the cold weather season.
Food Pantry (twice monthly) to needy families living within our catchment areas (5 mile radius)
After School Tutoring
Community Garden
Transitional Housing (2 Years)
Centro de Trabajadores Fuerza Del Valle
Homeless Prevention & Rapid Re-Housing Program (Funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act)

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