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  • Monday 6:00 AM - 10:00 PM
  • Tuesday 6:00 AM - 10:00 PM
  • Wednesday 6:00 AM - 10:00 PM
  • Thursday 6:00 AM - 10:00 PM
  • Friday 6:00 AM - 10:00 PM
  • Saturday closed
  • Sunday closed

About This Shelter

Annunciation House is a volunteer organization that offers hospitality to migrants, immigrants and refugees in the border region of El Paso, Texas and Ciudad Juarez. It provides shelter, clothing, food, and other necessities to a lot of vulnerable individuals, mostly from Mexico and Central America.

Annunciation House is the entry point for most of the guests. It hosts individuals that have short to mid term needs, who might stay for weeks or months. These individuals might be people who came to the U.S. seeking work, people that have fled their home country due to violence, corruption or extortion, or undocumented individuals/families that are living in El Paso but are currently facing financial hardship.Annunciation House includes four houses, each of which has a different focus, although these distinctions are fluid and change accordingly with the guest needs.

Casa Vides:Is a long term house of hospitality for individuals that are going through immigration proceedings such as political asylum or other types of cases, and medical situations. It also provides hospitality to Mexican nationals, widows of U.S. citizens who must spend some time in the U.S to collect the Social Security benefits that they are entitled to receive.
Casa del Refugiado:Is a very short-term house of hospitality to individuals that have just been released from ICE custody. It is the largest facility, with a capacity of around 500 people. Guests typically stay at this house somewhere between 1 to 3 days, which is usually enough time to address their basic needs while they connect with family/friends in the U.S. There is a high turnover in this house and numbers are very unpredictable as they depend on ICE's release weekly schedule.
Casa Oscar Romero:It houses short-term and long-term guests making it the most varied house.

Casa Teresa:Houses all the offices of the Annunciation House. Also, it has an apartment that volunteers can utilize as a gathering place for recreational/community time or use as a retreat on their days off.

Mailing Address:Annunciation House, Inc.P.O. Box 11189El Paso, TX 79995-1189

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