Turning Point Center
- 1701 Jacquelyn Drive Houston, TX - 77055
- (713) 957-0099
- [email protected]
- Official Site
About This Shelter
The Turning Point Center is an independent, tax-exempt, non-profit organization (501) (C) (3), that offers food, shelter, and other rehabilitative services to meet the physical and emotional needs of a neglected segment of society: underprivileged individuals, aged 50 and older, who are unable to provide safe and adequate living conditions for themselves.
Turning Point Center provides emergency and transitional housing at a refurbished apartment complex at 1701 Jacquelyn Drive in the Spring Branch area of Houston (Key Map 451-X). Using Metro bus system from downtown on Lamar St., take the #26 Long Point.
Turning Point Center provides three meals a day to resident clients.
Turning Point Center ensures, through the use of donations, that resident clients have adequate clothing to protect them from the elements and to make a proper appearance as they attend schools or search for employment.
Turning Point Center collaborates with various other agencies to provide counseling s
ervices such as case management, substance abuse education, anger/stress management, chemical dependency counseling, personal/social adjustment counseling, and group counseling.
Resident clients of Turning Point Center receive assistance in completing important applications and associated documents that help them to obtain state ID cards / driver's licenses, Social Security cards, birth certificates, and any other documents required in order for them to apply for benefits and public assistance for which they may be eligible.
Turning Point Center provides assistance to resident clients in obtaining SSI / SSDI, food stamps, Medicare / Medicaid, Harris County Hospital District Gold Cards, retirement, and any other benefits for which they may be eligible.