Salvation Army Midland TX Homeless Shelter

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About This Shelter

The shelter accommodates up to 70 people each night. Houses men, women, mothers with children, and for the first time, fathers with children.

The Salvation Army continues to provide daily meals, hygiene kits, food boxes, emergency financial assistance, clothing and furniture vouchers and other services.

A laundry facility is also available to shelter guests.
The Salvation Army provides emergency shelter for women, children, and men. The period of time they can stay at the shelter depends on each individual case. While at the shelter, the residents receive three nourishing, healthy meals. A person/persons may stay at the shelter for five nights without having to speak to the Social Worker. If further lodging is needed, an arrangement to speak to the Social Worker will be made and time will be extended. Children must be accompanied by parents, must have valid id and social security card

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