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  • Monday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Thursday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Saturday closed
  • Sunday closed

About This Shelter

Business 936.539.1096
Appointment 936.539.9211

The Crisis Assistance Center seeks to provide a loving, supportive place where people cancome to get the help and resources they need during a time of vulnerability and instability.


To honor our Mission, Crisis Assistance Center provides a variety of assistance to Montgomery County residents experiencing financial crisis in the basic needs of housing, utilities, food and clothing.

Many people in our county are a single instance away from finding themselves in a vulnerable situation that can cause tremendous financial hardship. Unexpected situations such as job loss, reduction in hours/wages or illness.

If you are facing eviction, utility disconnection, or other challenging situations as a result of a recent crisis, Crisis Assistance Center may be able to help. All of our services are free to eligible clients.

For assistance please call to schedule an appointment. 936-539-9211

Appointment line is open Tuesday Thursday from 1:00 pm 4:00 pm

Due to volume of clients, walk ins are not guaranteed to be seen and will only be seen after clients with appointments, pending availability. All services will require that you bring a variety of documentation. Lack of documentation could prevent or delay receipt of services.

What type of emergency assistance is available?

    Utility assistance
    Rent or mortgage assistance
    Resource Referrals

Looking for longer-term solutions?

CAC offers extensive case management to help our clients build self-sufficiency. Examples of opportunities include:

    Permanent supportive housing for the disabled
    Hand up Program
    Lifeskills training
    Financial Literacy classes

Required Documentation
Please ensure that all documentation is printed prior to your appointment

    Proof of Crisis
    Provide identifying information on ALL members of the household
    Photo ID for all adults 18 years of age or older
    Social Security cards or birth certificates for all household members
    Provide Proof of income for last 30 days for all adults 18 years of age or older
    Provide proof of school registration for students
    Provide proof of Texas Workforce Commission job search registration within last 30 days if unemployed (even if undocumented)
    Provide proof of start date or job offer if waiting for new job to start
    Provide copies of electric bill for utility bill assistance and copy of lease for rental assistance


Business/Appointment Hours:
Monday- Closed
Tuesday- Friday
8:30am-11:30am, 1-4 pm

Resale Shop Hours:

Donation/Volunteer Hours:

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