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  • Monday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Thursday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Saturday closed
  • Sunday closed

About This Shelter

Temporary shelters for victims of sexual abuse.

Our Hours

8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday
9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Saturday
Food and Clothing

    Groceries We supply individuals and families with short-term supplies of groceries designed to last for several days, based on family size. We mix several kinds of dry goods and refrigerated food, keeping it as nutritious as possible based upon the supply. Once the families food needs are met, then they can work together on solving other problems facing them;
    Clothing Mission Arlington provides clothes and shoes for children, youth, and adults, that is for the whole family. Men and women can find clothes for job interviews, school clothes for their children, day-to-day needs, and so much more;

Financial Assistance

    Rent Mission Arlington assists with partial rent payments in order to help families through a crisis, and/or to prevent a family from losing the stability that a home provides;
    Utilities Loss of light and/or running water is destabilizing; we work with utility companies to provide partial payments to help keep a familys utilities (electricity, water, gas, etc.) on, so that they will be able to stay in the home;
    Prescriptions We partner with our medical clinic to provide medications for people free of charge, and on a limited basis we help to pay a portion of a prescription cost to help a family obtain the medicine they need.
    Gas Vouchers On a limited basis, we will also help with gas vouchers to assist someone with transportation to and from a job interview;

Furniture and Appliances

    When? Monday through Saturday, the Mission picks up and delivers donated furniture and appliances from our community; every day, people load up the furniture into their own trucks to bring the furniture to us;
    How? Volunteer drivers hand-deliver the furniture to peoples homes, then help place the furniture where it needs to go; we deliver this furniture based upon the request of families who have come through our front room.  Sometimes families need furniture, because they have experienced a loss of some kind; due to flood, fire, and/or other crisis situations. Other times, for various reasons, families simply need to start over;
    Why? There is nothing quite like the blessing of delivering a bed to children who have been sleeping on the floor, or a dresser, so they have a place to put their clothes.  This process means so much to those who receive and for those who give.

Needs for House and Home

    Baby Items: strollers, car seats, baby swings, childrens books & toys;
    Bicycles: Bikes are not only a wonderful gift for children and teenagers in our community, but they help provide transportation for people who have no other means of making it where they need to go;
    Computers: Volunteers at Mission Arlington restore donated computer systems to give to children, youth, and/or adults in our community;
    Household Items: All household items donated by the community are given directly to people in need. Items such as blankets, dishes, pictures, silverware and all other sorts of items are provided to help people in crisis;
    Identification: Mission Arlington can provide support to people with different kinds of identification needs such as, drivers licenses, identification cards, and birth certificates;
    Medical Equipment through our medical equipment closet we loan walkers, wheelchairs, cains, and other types of medical equipment when it is available;
    Personal Needs Personal hygiene items (soap, toothpaste, shampoo, razors, diapers, baby formula and more) are truly important to encourage families in need, and to lift them through their current moment of crisis; 

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