ACTS Homeless Shelter
- 17866 Main Street Dumfries, VA - 22026
- (703) 221-3188
- [email protected]
- Official Site
About This Shelter
Beverly Warren House
One of the very first buildings acquired by ACTS, this home originally served as a shelter (upstairs), a thrift store (main floor), and a food pantry (basement) back in 1979. It was named after Beverly Warren, a longtime volunteer committed to helping people in need in our community. Today, Beverly Warren is exclusively an Emergency Shelter with up to 18 beds available for single females or females with children. We will help you fill out an intake form, conduct a background check, and bring you in, if we have a bed available. If we are full, we can often still help place you somewhere else using the same intake application. If you have children, we will ensure they stay in school and have plenty to do while they are here. We strive to make this as comfortable as possible for them by providing activities, play equipment, and even birthday parties. if you are already employed, you will be able to keep your job. If not, we will do our best to help you find one.
How to Get Assistance
Everyone with needs related to housing in the Prince William region must go through the Coordinated Entry System. This includes those looking for emergency shelter, rapid re-housing, or permanent supportive housing.
To begin the process, you can call CES at 703-792-3366.
Rapid Re-Housing Program
Rapid Re-housing is a federal and state funded program designed to give literally homeless individuals and families the opportunity to rent their own place. Those that qualify as literally homeless can come from places not meant for habitation, such as cars, campsites, and benches. Persons coming from Emergency Shelters, Domestic Violence Shelters, Hospitals, Hotels, and Transitional Living Programs may also qualify for Rapid Re-Housing assistance.
If you qualify for Rapid Re-Housing
Call 703-792-3366
Make an appointment
Complete paperwork to see if you qualify
While with us we will help you with:
Case management services
Housing location services
Employment services
Resume writing
Other referral services as needed
Case Managers work closely with clients to create a financial plan and budget that is catered to affording a room, an apartment, or house for rent. The program provides clients with direct financial assistance towards their security deposit and/or towards rent. The program also ensures case management for clients.
Affordable Housing Program
ACTS Affordable Housing Program provides qualified low- and moderate-income households the opportunity to live at a reduced rent in privately-owned and privately managed market-rate units located in Prince William County. The Department of Housing and Community Development works with ACTS Sustainable Housing Team to ensure units rented under the program are comparable to market rate apartments, are occupied by households who meet the income guidelines of the program, and that eligibility recertification for the program is completed on an annual basis.
One of the very first buildings acquired by ACTS, this home originally served as a shelter (upstairs), a thrift store (main floor), and a food pantry (basement) back in 1979. It was named after Beverly Warren, a longtime volunteer committed to helping people in need in our community. Today, Beverly Warren is exclusively an Emergency Shelter with up to 18 beds available for single females or females with children. We will help you fill out an intake form, conduct a background check, and bring you in, if we have a bed available. If we are full, we can often still help place you somewhere else using the same intake application. If you have children, we will ensure they stay in school and have plenty to do while they are here. We strive to make this as comfortable as possible for them by providing activities, play equipment, and even birthday parties. if you are already employed, you will be able to keep your job. If not, we will do our best to help you find one.
How to Get Assistance
Everyone with needs related to housing in the Prince William region must go through the Coordinated Entry System. This includes those looking for emergency shelter, rapid re-housing, or permanent supportive housing.
To begin the process, you can call CES at 703-792-3366.
Rapid Re-Housing Program
Rapid Re-housing is a federal and state funded program designed to give literally homeless individuals and families the opportunity to rent their own place. Those that qualify as literally homeless can come from places not meant for habitation, such as cars, campsites, and benches. Persons coming from Emergency Shelters, Domestic Violence Shelters, Hospitals, Hotels, and Transitional Living Programs may also qualify for Rapid Re-Housing assistance.
If you qualify for Rapid Re-Housing
Call 703-792-3366
Make an appointment
Complete paperwork to see if you qualify
While with us we will help you with:
Case management services
Housing location services
Employment services
Resume writing
Other referral services as needed
Case Managers work closely with clients to create a financial plan and budget that is catered to affording a room, an apartment, or house for rent. The program provides clients with direct financial assistance towards their security deposit and/or towards rent. The program also ensures case management for clients.
Affordable Housing Program
ACTS Affordable Housing Program provides qualified low- and moderate-income households the opportunity to live at a reduced rent in privately-owned and privately managed market-rate units located in Prince William County. The Department of Housing and Community Development works with ACTS Sustainable Housing Team to ensure units rented under the program are comparable to market rate apartments, are occupied by households who meet the income guidelines of the program, and that eligibility recertification for the program is completed on an annual basis.