Family Promise of Greater Kingsport Shelter

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  • Monday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Thursday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Saturday closed
  • Sunday closed

About This Shelter

Family Promise of Greater Kingsport, Inc. (formerly known as Interfaith Hospitality Network of Greater Kingsport) is a homeless shelter for families with minor children in the Kingsport area. We work with a group of churches that provide overnight accommodations and meals for the guests who are in our program.

Families with children make up the fastest growing segment of the homeless population. FPGK provides a safe, family oriented place to stay, nutritious meals, and mentoring to help homeless families with children under 18 on their quest to regain independence.

FPGK is the only shelter in Kingsport currently able to accommodate two parent families, families with teenage boys, and single fathers with teenage girls. Caring community and staff members provide guidance, encouragement and supportive services to help families find and retain permanent housing.

How Do I Apply?
You can make initial contact with FPGK either in person at 601 Holston Street in Kingsport or by calling 423-246-6500. A staff member will explain the program to you. You will give the information necessary to make an application for the program and be asked to sign a Release Form for a background check. Please bring in or fax the following documents for each person in your household if you have them:

    Social Security Cards
    Picture IDs
    Drivers Licenses
    Birth Certificates
    Award Letters: TANF/SSI/SSA
    Child Custody Papers/Support Orders
    Documentation of Abuse (Police Reports/Charges)

FPGK can help you obtain some of these documents if you do not already have them. Background Checks usually take one or more days to complete depending on where you have lived in the past. FPGK can serve up to 14 individuals in four families. The average stay is 52 days. We maintain a waiting list of those who would like to enter the program. You are encouraged to add your name to the waiting list as soon as you think you might have need of our services. Because of the preparation that host churches need to do to welcome new Guests, new families can not be accepted for immediate shelter after noon.

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