REACH OUT Homeless Winter Shelter Program

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About This Shelter

REACH OUT Homeless Winter Shelter Programs provide shelter, daily meals and case management services to homeless adults in South King County. The program is operated during the winter months and relies on partnerships with area congregations, community organizations, businesses, and public and private contributors, as well as many caring individuals and families. The programs goal is to serve those in need by providing support to assist them in achieving self-sufficiency, in turn strengthening our community. Each winter season, homeless men and women receive three meals a day and a safe, warm place to spend each night, thanks to the hard work and contributions of many.

We welcome your support in any way that you are able and willing to give: time and energy, resources, monetary donations and prayer.

REACH OUT Mens and Womens Shelters are winter shelter programs and are open from October 1st to March 31st.

Intake Location for the REACH OUT program:
CCS-Kent Family Center
1229 W Smith St, Kent WA
Monday Friday, 1-2 pm
or by appointment, call (253) 854-0077

Federal Way intakes
Federal Way Day Center
33505 14th Place South, Suite D
Federal Way, WA
Monday Friday, 10 am 3 pm

Intake Information: Questions contact SKC Shelter Services Catholic Community Services at (253) 854-0077.

Reach Out provides the following essential services during the Winter Shelter Season:

    Each person is screened for a history of violent or predatory behavior to ensure a safe environment at the shelter
    Overnight supervision at the host facility
    Case management support, tailored to each individuals needs and strengths, is offered to assist in obtaining employment, housing, education, counseling, health care for medical and mental health needs
    Housing options explored for each client with the goal of stable housing
    Contact with Veterans Services
    Referrals to community resources such as Department of Social and Health Services and Social Security Administration
    Employment Assistance: job counseling, placement and referrals
    Drug and Alcohol recovery support: education and counseling groups
    Referrals to individual counseling

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