SAFE Haven of Racine - Youth Shelter

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About This Shelter

The Youth Shelter program provides food, clothing, shelter, and case management services to runaway, homeless, neglected and abused, and trafficked youth age 10 through 17.
A runaway teen makes an easy target for fraud, robbery, or exploitation through human trafficking. Many become involved with drugs, pornography, survival sex, or teen prostitution.
In a small number of cases, some have been abducted or murdered. Those who do manage to survive on the streets are at risk for sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy, alcohol or other drug abuse, and suicide.

Program Goals
Provide crisis intervention services for runaway, homeless, abused and other troubled youth and families in need, 24 hours a day.
Reunite youth with their families, when appropriate, and encourage the resolution of intrafamilial problems through counseling and other services.
Strengthen family relationships and encourage stable living condition for youth.
Help youth decide upon constructive courses of action.
Youth staying at the shelter receive
Case Management
Information & Referral
Youth are required to follow all shelter rules, such as
Must attend school and complete homework assignments.
Abstain from tobacco, alcohol and drug use.
Weapons, violence or gang paraphernalia prohibited.
Youth who comply with rules may be able to stay for up to 14 days.

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