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Discover affordable housing options in the US for individuals and families on a tight budget. Learn about how to qualify, get financial help, and apply for a safe and stable home. Select your state to find a budget-friendly home today!
- AL Alabama 1,026
- AK Alaska 76
- AZ Arizona 369
- AR Arkansas 510
- CA California 5,815
- CO Colorado 441
- CT Connecticut 648
- DE Delaware 134
- FL Florida 2,461
- GA Georgia 892
- HI Hawaii 110
- ID Idaho 227
- IL Illinois 1,291
- IN Indiana 815
- IA Iowa 592
- KS Kansas 395
- KY Kentucky 616
- LA Louisiana 473
- ME Maine 437
- MD Maryland 632
- MA Massachusetts 1,147
- MI Michigan 1,022
- MN Minnesota 893
- MS Mississippi 498
- MO Missouri 777
- MT Montana 172
- NE Nebraska 373
- NV Nevada 110
- NH New Hampshire 243
- NJ New Jersey 917
- NM New Mexico 294
- NY New York 2,837
- NC North Carolina 1,046
- ND North Dakota 221
- OH Ohio 2,232
- OK Oklahoma 367
- OR Oregon 443
- PA Pennsylvania 1,659
- RI Rhode Island 253
- SC South Carolina 594
- SD South Dakota 267
- TN Tennessee 692
- TX Texas 2,555
- UT Utah 322
- VT Vermont 186
- VA Virginia 699
- WA Washington 645
- DC Washington, D.C. 155
- WV West Virginia 338
- WI Wisconsin 593
- WY Wyoming 78
Affordable Housing Guide
Our affordable housing includes: HUD apartments, Public housing, Section 8 apartments, Low income tax credit apartments, and other type of affordable housing. Find affordable housing for: seniors, disabilities, homeless, single mom, low income families, and other groups.