AVCP Regional Housing Authority

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AVCP Regional Housing Authority

About This Building

Rental Programs
AVCP RHA has rental properties in Bethel, Tuntutuliak, Aniak, Kipnuk, Napakiak, Hooper Bay, Chevak, Alakanuk, Kotlik, Toksook Bay, St, Mary's and Scammon Bay.
Low Rental Programs.
Bethel Low Rent Apartments. The Bethel Low Rent program provides 2, 3 or 4 bedroom apartments to low income families. Lease Agreements are signed and tenancy is based on month to month occupancy. Payments are based on thirty percent (30%) of the family's annual adjusted gross income.
Ayalpik Apartments. Provides low income housing to persons who are 62 and older or handicapped/disabled. There are 23 units apartment complex is connected by boardwalk to the Bethel Senior Center. Ayalpik has provided 1 bedroom apartments. Payments are based on thirty percent (30%) of the families annual adjusted gross income and HUD provides the subsidy of the remaining amount of the contract rental amount per tenant.
Lulu Heron Living Apartments. This is a USDA Rural Development Section 515 Housing Program (non-NAHASDA) to provide low income housing to persons who are 60 and older or handicapped/disabled. There are 15 units. Lulu Heron Congregate Apartments has provided 1 bedroom apartments since 1999. Payments are based on thirty percent (30%) of the family's annual adjusted gross income and USDA RD provides the subsidy of the remaining amount of the contract rental amount per tenant. This project is managed by Northstar Management of Benson, Minnesota.
Triplexes: Each triplex has 3 units with 1 unit with 4 bedrooms and 2 units with 3 bedrooms. The triplexes are located in:
    Scammon Bay
    St. Mary's
    Toksook Bay
Low Income Housing Tax Credit: 19 unit apartment complex in Hooper Bay. The complex has 2,3,4, and 5 bedroom units.

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