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Key West Housing Authority

About This Building

Hours of Operation
Open Monday through Friday (except holidays)
8:00 a.m. to 12 noon and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Public Housing
The Housing Authority currently owns and operates 590 units of public housing. These units are reserved for low-income families. Residents who live in our public housing units pay 30% of the monthly adjusted income for rent and utilities. The Henry V. Haskins Senior Citizen Plaza has 200 units and are restricted to elderly (62+). The remaining 390 units of public housing are for families and seniors and are all located in areas throughout the City of Key West.

Housing Choice Voucher Program
The Housing Choice Voucher Program, (sometimes referred to asSection 8) provides rental assistance to low income families in the private rental market. Funded at the Federal level through the U. S.  Department of Housing and Urban Development, rent subsidies (vouchers) allow families to pay a reasonable share of their income toward rent while the program, within specific limits, makes up the difference.
We are not accepting applications for the Housing Choice Voucher Program at this time.

Affordable Housing Program
The Housing Authority currently owns and operates 385 units of affordable housing. The properties do have income requirements, rents are based by income brackets and are below that of comparable market rate rentals. The properties are located throughout Key West and offer something for everyone, from families with children to seniors.

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