Forest Ridge Apartments
- 5890 Stevens Forest Rd, Columbia, MD 21045
- 410-730-6222
- $250 - $979** crowd sourced

About This Building
This is a low income apartment.
The government gives funds directly to this apartment owner.
They charge lower rent for low income persons.
Section 8 approved units: 98
The fair market rate for 2 bedroom apartments in this area is: $1,231
- Water, Sewer, and Trash removal included rent
- Large walk-in closets
- Wall to wall carpeting
- Fully equipped kitchens
- On-site laundry facilities
Contact this apartment for low rent Familyhousing with subsidized government low income rates.
Call 410-730-6222 for more information.
This apartment accepts HUD subsidies.For HUD subsidized apartments, if you qualify for low income housing and they have available apartments, rent is based on 30% of your Adjusted Gross Income.Call for details.
1 bedroom apartments at location
2 bedroom apartments at location
3 bedroom apartments at location