Dakota County Community Development Agency

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Dakota County Community Development Agency

About This Building

To improve the lives of Dakota County residents through affordable housing and community development.
To be an innovative leader, creating affordable housing opportunities and strengthening Dakota County communities.

All Programs & Services
Accessible Rental Housing
The CDA has some accessible housing units available in the Family, Senior and Scattered Site Housing Programs and at Colleen Loney Manor. This page will also provide you with a link to metro area accessible housing options.
Bridges serves persons with chronic and persistent mental illness. The CDA administers the housing subsidy portion of this program which is grant funded by the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency. The Dakota County Social Services Department coordinates the support services for the clients. Participants contribute 30% of their income toward rent and the grant subsidizes the remainder. This program provides a temporary subsidy thatbridgesthe gap between homelessness, treatment centers, institutional facilities and permanent affordable housing.
Colleen Loney Manor
Colleen Loney Manor is an 80-unit apartment building located in West St. Paul that is designated for low- to moderate-income who are 62 years of age and older, handicapped or disabled, near elderly (50+) or single persons. Residents of Colleen Loney Manor pay 30% of their income toward rent.
Commercial Rehab Program
Grants are available in the cities of Lakeville and Northfield for the rehabilitation of commercial properties. Funding for these grants is provided through the federal Community Development Block Grant Program.
Commercial Space
The CDA owns and manages commercial approx. 14,000 square feet space in Lakeville and West St. Paul. The commercial space is part of mixed-use developments that combine senior housing with ground level commercial space.
Community Development Block Grant Program
The federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program provides annual grants on a formula basis to Dakota County, which then distributes funds to participating cities and townships. This program was established to develop viable urban communities by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment. CDBG funding expands economic opportunities for low- and moderate-income persons and eliminates slum/blight conditions.
Downpayment Assistance Program
Homebuyers accessing the First Time Homebuyer Program can also apply for downpayment assistance loans of up to $10,000, depending on household income.
Economic Development Assistance
Through the Economic Development Program, the CDA has served as the issuer of Industrial Revenue Bonds, submitted grant applications on behalf of cities for redevelopment projects and has established numerous TIF Districts including two redevelopment districts in West St. Paul. Staff assistance includes the acquisition of property and related relocation requirements.
Energy Assistance Program
The Energy Assistance Program is administered by the Scott-Carver-Dakota CAP Agency. This program provides grants to help income qualified homeowners pay their heating bills. For information or to request an application for the Energy Assistance Program, please contact the CAP Agency at (651) 322-3500.
Family Self Sufficiency Program
The Family Self-Sufficiency Program was established by the CDA to promote economic self-sufficiency among participating families. This program is aimed at coordinating and providing private and public sector support services necessary to enable larger families to achieve self-sufficiency goals. The CDA offers this program to participants of the Housing Choice Voucher Program as an opportunity to build an escrow savings account to be used by the family for a downpayment for a home, reliable transportation, repayment of student loans, etc.
Family Townhome Program
The Family Townhome Program provides low- and moderate-income families with affordable rental housing. The Dakota County CDA manages a portfolio of 18 family townhome develoment (552 units) located throughout the county.
Family Unification Program
The Family Unification Program is designed to increase housing resources of child welfare families to prevent separation of children from their parents because of inadequate housing, to east the transition to adulthood for youth aging out of foster care, and to facilitate and expedite access to housing and supportive services through agency collaboration.
Financing Tools for Housing Developers
The CDA has several financing tools available to assist in the development and preservation of affordable housing including the Housing Opportunities Enhancement (HOPE) Program, 501c3 Bonds for Residential Rental Housing, Low Income Housing Tax Credits, Qualified Residential Rental Revenue Bonds, Tax Increment Financing and Home Investment Partnership Program (HOME).
First Time Homebuyer Program
In the market for your first home? Whether you are buying an existing home or building a new one, the First Time Homebuyer Program from the Dakota County CDA provides a financial resource to make your purchase successful.
Home Improvement Loan Program
The Home Improvement Loan Program assists low- and moderate-income homeowners with making repairs and improvements to their homes. Funds are commonly used for roof replacement, furnace replacement, electrical and plumbing repairs, insulation and special needs improvements (such as ramps, bathroom and kitchen modifications).
Home Investment Partnership Program
Created in 1990, the Home Investment Partnership (HOME) Program is a flexible federal grant program that gives participating jurisdictions the ability to decide how the funds will be used to provide affordable housing for persons at or below 80 percent of median income. Similar to the CDBG Program, HOME is allocated on a formula basis. Eligible activities under HOME include new construction of affordable units, rehabilitation of owner and rental properties, homebuyer assistance, rent assistance and acquisition.
Homeownership Connection
The Dakota County CDA's Homeownership Connection programs and services provide resources for homebuyers and homeowners to be successful. Programs include: Give Yourself Credit!, Downpayment Assistance, Home Stretch(R) Homebuyer Education, Pre-Purchase Counseling, Silver Lining Loans, Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention, Home Improvement Loans and Weatherization Grants.
Home StretchHomebuyer Education
The Home Stretch Program teaches potential homebuyers about the entire homebuying process and the responsibilities of homeownership. Topics covered in these monthly seminars include: Budgeting and Credit Issues, Financing and Qualifying for a Home, Shopping for a Home, The Purchase Process, Closing on a Home and Life as a Homeowner.
Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8)
The Housing Choice Voucher Program (also known as Section 8) utilizes the existing private rental market in Dakota County to provide decent, safe and sanitary housing opportunities for low-income families, elderly, handicapped and disabled persons at an affordable cost. The CDA administers this federal program for all of Dakota County except South St. Paul (the South St. Paul HRA administers the program for that city). The CDA assists over 2,200 families and individuals through this program.
Lincoln Place - Youth Supportive Housing
Lincoln Place provides 24 units of affordable housing with supportive services for youth ages 18-25. The building is located in Eagan.
Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Program
The Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Program is designed to help homeowners keep their home, establish financial stability and learn strategies to avoid similar situations in the future. The CDA provides free counseling assistance to help homeowners who are in or nearing foreclosure with referrals to additional resources and, in some cases, financial assistance.
Pre-Purchase Counseling Program
The Pre-Purchase Counseling Program provides free individual counseling to Dakota County homebuyers and can be accessed anytime during the homebuying process, whether you are buying a home now or in the future.
Project Based Assistance Program
The Project Based Assistance (PBA) Program provides low-income households with monthly rental assistance for specific rental units located at Hidden Ponds Townhomes in Apple Valley, Grande Market Place in Burnsville and Cedar Villas Townhomes in Eagan. These units are privately owned rental units.
Redevelopment Program
The CDA's Redevelopment Program provides staff expertise to cities for redevelopment activities. Projects have ranged from the acquisition of affordable housing sites to the redevelopment of commercial sites on behalf of cities. Staff assistance includes acquisition, relocation, demolition and environmental remediation.
Redevelopment Incentive Grant Program
The Dakota County CDA created this locally funded grant program in 2006 to assist cities with redevelopment goals and promote the development of affordable workforce and supportive housing. Annually, cities can apply for grants of up to $250,000 per project or $15,000 for redevelopment planning.
Rental Assistance Programs
The CDA administers local, state and federal rental assistance programs for low- and moderate-income households. The largest program is the Housing Choice Voucher Program.
Scattered Site Public Housing Program
The Scattered Site Public Housing Program provides affordable housing to families with low- and moderate-incomes. The CDA owns and manages 242 single family homes, duplexes, fourplexes and townhomes located throughout Dakota County. Residents of scattered site housing pay 30% of their income toward rent.
Senior Housing Opportunites Program (SHOP)
The Senior Housing Opportunities Program is a locally funded rent assistance program for seniors age 55+ living in Dakota County. Seniors who have applied for the Housing Choice Voucher Program are eligible to recieve assistance through the Senior Housing Opportunities Program.
Senior Housing Program
The Senior Housing Program provides affordable, independent living rental housing for seniors age 55+. The Dakota County CDA has a portfolio of 23 senior buildings (1,337 units) located throughout the county.
Shelter Plus Care
Shelter Plus Care provides rent assistance, in connection with supportive services, to homeless persons with disabilities. The program is a collaborative effort between the Dakota County CDA and the Dakota County Community Services Division.
Split Visions Remodeling Planbook
This planbook provides ideas for remodeling, improving and updating split-style homes.
Weatherization Program
The Weatherization Program is administered as a joint effort between the CAP Agency and the Dakota County CDA. The program provides income qualified homeowners a grant to help make their home more energy efficient. Grant funds are used to insulate attics or walls or to upgrade furnaces.

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