Lakewood Housing Authority
- 317 Sampson Ave, Lakewood, NJ 08701
- 732-364-1300
- $400 - $800** crowd sourced

About This Building
The Authority's mission is to provide safe and decent affordable housing to qualified low-income families and individuals.
The Authority also aims to promote self-sufficiency initiatives and improve the quality of life and economic stability of its residents.
Lakewood Housing Authority works to provide safe and decent affordable housing to qualified low-income families and individuals through five programs:
Public Housing
Section 8
Family Self Sufficiency
Family Unification Program
Homeownership Program
For Public Housing you can either:
Download an application from their home page
Come into the office between 9:00am-4:00pm Monday-Friday to pick up an application
Call the main number and request that an application be mailed to you
Unfortunately, the LHA does not provide emergency housing. Once a family or individual completes an application for housing, and is determined eligible, the individual or family will be placed on the waiting list.
Depending on the size apartment the individual/family needs, the wait can be anywhere from six months to several years.
The LHA office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:30am until 4:00pm, with the exception of recognized holidays. The office opens to the public at 9:00am and is closed from 12:00pm-12:30pm for lunch.
Eligibility for housing programs is generally based on income and the size of the family.
For Section 8, your rent will generally be 30% of your adjusted gross income with some exceptions. Your case worker will explain the rent calculation to you in further detail.