Town of Hempstead Housing Authority

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Town of Hempstead Housing Authority

About This Building

Created to fulfill housing needs for the elderly and residents onlimited incomes, the Housing Authority is the largest such agency inNassau and Suffolk counties, and one of the largest in New York State.The Authority operates under the auspices of the United StatesDepartment of Housing and Urban Development, which provides constructionfunds for local housing at no cost to the town.

To address the problem of housing for senior citizens, the Town of Hempstead have built specially designedhousing projects for the middle and limited income groups. Income,assets and residency requirements vary.

The Town of Hempstead Housing Authority owns and operates 1,309apartments at 14 separate locations throughout the Town of Hempstead,stretching from the Queens border to the Town of Oyster Bay. The primarygoal of the Housing Authority has been, and will continue to be, ourcommitment to provide safe sanitary housing in the most efficient andcost effective manner.

There are efficiency (EFF) apartments for single persons over the ageof 62; one bedroom (l-BR) apartments for couples with head of household62 years or older and a small number of two bedroom (2-BR) apartmentsfor couples, such as brother/sister or two sisters, etc. The HousingAuthority also accepts applicants for family apartments consisting offrom two to four bedrooms, available at two of our complexes.

Most apartments include range, refrigerator, tile bath, emergencyalarm system, etc. Those developments catering exclusively to seniorcitizens have air-conditioned recreation/social halls. Activities forresidents and community members, coordinated by the Town of HempsteadDepartment of Senior Enrichment, are available weekdays. Currentprograms available at complexes for families include atutorial/enrichment program, which has been recognized by the localschool district for its excellence to assist school-age children withhomework and a five day per week summer enrichment program for youngerchildren. New programs in development include job training, parentingworkshops, and a partnership with Touro College which provides a programfor Town of Hempstead Housing Authority residents to pursue a collegedegree or career path at no cost to students.

The rentals for these apartments will be 30% of income, however,there is a deduction of $480 for each child from the total income.Seniors receive a deduction of $400. Utilities are included for allapartments, except at Roosevelt and East Meadow, where a utilityallowance is subtracted from the monthly rent.


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