Geauga Metropolitan Housing Authority

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Geauga Metropolitan Housing Authority

About This Building

Provides safe, decent, affordable housing for eligible households.Agency owns 243 units in Geauga County:Bainbridge (Strickland Arms)has 30 family units; Newbury (Scranton Woods) has 38 family units;Middlefield (Cloverdale Estates) has 49 family units; Chardon has twofacilities - Murray Manor with 76 units and Harris House with 50 units.  Administers Federal funds to providedecent, safe and sanitary housing for the low-income population ofGeauga County through two programs: Low-Income Public Housing andHousing Choice Voucher Program (formerly Section 8).

Office Hours: Tuesdays: 9:30am-11:30am and Wednesdays; 2:00pm-4:00pm.

Qualifications: Applicant must have adjusted gross family income within federallydesignated low-income limits (less than or equal to 80% of the medianhousehold income for the area).They must agree to comply with the GMHAlease agreement and must have a Social Security number or documentationsupporting its non-existence. Must be in good standing and not have anyoverdue balances with GMHA or any other subsidized housing program inwhich they have participated in the past; for family units only: clientmust be able to get gas and electric utilities in their name (a creditcheck will be done to verify this). Preference points are given to thoseemployed and residing in Geauga County; veterans or widows of veterans;those 62 years of age or older, and those receiving Social SecurityDisability, SSI Disability or any other payments because of an inabilityto work.If two or more applicants have the same amount of preferencepoints, then the date and time of application are considered in theranking. Must pass criminal background check.

Rent is generally 30% of the family's adjusted gross income, up to a flat ceiling rent for each unit.


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