Clackamas County Housing Authorty
- 13930 South Gain Street, Oregon City, OR 97045
- 503-655-8267
- $290 - $800** crowd sourced

About This Building
Clackamas County Housing Authorty provides housing assistance to low income residents through themanagement of programs such as Low Rent Public Housing and the HousingChoice Voucher Program - Section 8. These programs are income based andthe eligibility guidelines are set by HUD. There may be waiting listsfor rentals or vouchers and at times the lists may close to newapplicants based on the size of and length of wait on the lists. If youare in need of housing assistance in the area please contact the HousingAuthority directly to obtain more information about eligibilityrequirements, availability of rentals or vouchers, the status of anywaiting lists and their application procedures. Their office is available Monday - Thursday 7:00 am - 6:00 pm to assist you.
HACC has two main housing programs: Public Housing and Housing Choice Voucher. In addition to these two programs, HACC owns and operates one affordable housing complex (Easton Ridge Apartments - 264 units) and one Farm Labor Housing Complex (Arbor Terrace Apartments - 24 units). HACC owns and maintains multiple Special Needs units, but they are operated by outside sources (placement is not by the Housing Authority).
How do the housing programs work?
Public Housing and the Housing Choice Voucher Program maintain waiting lists. In general, once your name reaches the top of the waiting list, you will come to the office for an interview. Once screened, income eligibility is verified, and housing becomes available, you will have the opportunity to obtain housing. A lease and/or contract will be drawn up and signed. Rent is set at not less than 30% of your annual adjusted income.
How do I qualify?
HACC provides housing to families, the elderly and the disabled. In addition to the above criteria your household's total annual gross income must be under the program's income limits. Income Limits can be viewed on our website.
How do I apply?
Unfortunately, the wait lists are closed for Public Housing and the Housing Choice Voucher Program.
How long is the wait?
At this time, the wait can vary from 3 to 6 years for Public Housing and 7 or more years for a Voucher.
Public Housing
HACC owns and maintains 545 units of public housing. Ranging from single family homes to multi-family apartments; our housing is located throughout the County. HACC has three housing "parks".
Two are located in Oregon City and one in Milwaukie. The two in Oregon City include a 100 unit housing park called Oregon City View Manor and a 99-unit housing park called Clackamas Heights. The third park in Milwaukie known as Hillside Park consists of 100 units of housing. Additionally, HACC owns another 145 units which are scattered throughout the County and a 100-unit nine-story highrise located within Milwaukie's Hillside Park, referred to as Hillside Manor, is exclusively for the elderly and persons with disabilities.
HACC also has many programs for residents including a Head Start center, a Career and Learning Center, sports and recreation activities, entrepreneurial experience, mentorship programs, crime prevention efforts, summer day camp, and service coordination for families including seniors, disabled and non-English speaking people. HACC is also the local provider of Federal programs that promote resident self-sufficiency. HACC's resident services are nationally recognized. They include:
A quarterly newsletter that is delivered to all public housing units provides information of upcoming events and services.
A "Resident Association" in each public housing park meets periodically to discuss issues that affect park residents and to plan events and activities that promote a sense of community.
Information and referral services help residents locate needed services.
To qualify for public housing, a household's income must not exceed standards set by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). To qualify, a household must not make more than 80% of the area median income. Rent for each unit is based upon income of the tenant. Tenants pay 30% of their adjusted gross income for rent and utilities. Included with the rent, the Housing Authority pays for water, sewer and trash collection.
The demand for low-rent public housing is high. The current waiting time for available units ranges from 18 to 24 months. Applications are filed in chronological order by date and time of receipt and unit size needs.