Park Avenue Tower Senior Apartments
- 420 Park Ave, Curwensville, PA 16833
- 814-236-1526
- $200 - $200** crowd sourced

About This Building
Park Avenue Tower is a 3-storey 36 unit facility designed for occupancy by persons 62 years of age or older/or persons younger who are mobility impaired. T
he apartments are one bedroom and bath.
Income limits apply.
All utilities are included in rent.
Tenants pay telephone and cable.
Parking is available.
A large community room is available for the use of all residents.
A fully equipped kitchen is there for social activities.
Contact Park Avenue Tower for eligibilility and complete informaiton on low rent Senior housing apartments with subsidized government low income rates.
Call (814) 236-1526 or (814) 765-1551 for more information.
This apartment accepts HUD subsidies.For HUD subsidized apartments, if you qualify for low income housing and they have available apartments, rent is based on 30% of your Adjusted Gross Income.Call for details.
1 bedroom apartments at location