Venango County Housing Authority
- 1 Dale Avenue, Franklin, PA 16323
- 814-432-9751
- Call for rent $
About This Building
"The Housing Authority of the County of Venango (VCHA) exists to provide safe, decent, and affordable housing for lower-income families, elderly and persons with disabilities." VCHA pays a portion of rent for lower income families, the elderly, and persons with disabilities in order for them to obtain safe, affordable housing. Families with no income may also qualify for services. The Housing Authority has entered into an Annual Contributions Contract (ACC) with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to administer two programs. The following are the programs currently in effect:
Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8):
Those who participate in the Housing Choice Voucher Program choose a qualified house, apartment, townhouse, or mobile home located anywhere in the jurisdiction of Venango County except within the city limits of Oil City and Franklin. These two cities have their own housing authorities and should be contacted directly for information on their programs. In order to participate in the Housing Choice Voucher Program you must be income eligible (very low income limit for the area) and not be disqualified from participation as a result of certain criminal offenses or past default. The housing unit owner must also agree to participate in the Housing Choice Voucher Program and the unit must pass the Housing Quality Standards inspection, meeting minimum guidelines as established by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
If you are in need of housing assistance in the area please contact the Housing Authority directly to obtain more information about eligibility requirements, the status of any waiting lists and their application procedures.
Call (814) 432-9751.