Housing Authority of Racine County

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Housing Authority of Racine County

About This Building

Housing Authority of Racine Countyprovides housing assistance to low income residents through themanagement of programs such as Low Rent Public Housing and the HousingChoice Voucher Program - Section 8. These programs are income based andthe eligibility guidelines are set by HUD.

There may be waiting listsfor rentals or vouchers and at times the lists may close to newapplicants based on the size of and length of wait on the lists. If youare in need of housing assistance in the area please contact the HousingAuthority directly to obtain more information about eligibilityrequirements, availability of rentals or vouchers, the status of anywaiting lists and their application procedures.

HARC provides affordable housing in a number of different ways:
We administer 1539 Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers including 35 VASH Vouchers.
We have 8 units of Pubic Housing Available.
We have a 24 unit facility in Waterford, Wisconsin that assists eldery and disabled families.

Office Hours:
Monday through Friday 7:30am to 4:00pm, except Holidays
Para el espaol, chasque por favor la bandera de Espaa (la bandera en la derecha ms baja).

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